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Now that is one psychedelic picture, if I've ever seen one. Very trippy XD

I HEARD YOU WANTED SOME RECOLORING TIPS? Maaan have you come to the right place.

I'm no expert on coloring, but I think I've gotten fairly good at it. Regardless of what program you use (GIMP, Photoshop, etc) the first thing you'll want to do is duplicate your wolf layer. Whether that means you're cutting the wolf out of one picture and pasting it onto another--or painting a wolf straight from the original--you'll want to duplicate that nonsense. Always. that way, if you screw up, you can just delete that copied wolf pic and still have a good copy underneath (that you can duplicate again).

The next step is about your preference. Sometimes I'll have an overlay layer to begin coloring (this would be an additional layer OVER the wolf copy). If overlay isn't giving me the saturation/color I want, I'll go with something like hardlight for darks or softlight for lighter colors.

Then, after I've painted the color I want, I go back to my wolf copy layer and start burning the spots where I've colored. This helps that color set in a bit more.

Chances are, after adding one color, your wolf will look flat. Then it's time to paint on more shades, to give the new color some definition.

ONCE YOU'RE LIKE OOH, YES, THIS COLOR IS GRAND, it's time to blend all those layer down onto the wolf copy layer. then we get super special . . . copy the wolf copy layer (now you have THREE WOLF LAYERS YAY) and set the topmost layer to overlay. Go up to filter and select Gaussian blur. this makes things GORGEOUS....AND SUPER BLURRY. Mess with the opacity of this burred layer until you get what you want.

If this doesn't make sense, I'll have to do some visual tutorials soon. This is a skill that took me forever to figure out, and I'm always doing something different, in a new order, and all that jazz.


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