All Hallowed (Any) - " />
The Lost Islands

All Hallowed (Any)

are the dead really silent?

The seasons changed with my breath of life. The sun’s summer brought a heat rarely seen in this realm, therefore all the more openly embraced. For now the rays shone down on my on my pearl colored coat, warming me even as the light shined back off. I stepped through the caves and over the paths, following the natural trails that had been created by wind, rain and time. They were the roads that so many had travelled before me. Ancestors and forefathers who had long since travelled on. I reach down with my white nose and gently touch the rocky path. I wonder if my mother had ever travelled this particular path.

Intrigued by the direction the wind blew, I followed it out of the land that carried the sense of no one. Mother and I seemed to walk in the realm of between. Teetering on the edge of strange, familiar, and other. By stepping down this twist I decided to take a chance and walk into other. I followed the movements and the fleeting scents. Anything that was less stale than the previous encounter. Before long I came across a place of many souls. The senses were fierce and carried energies of anger, sadness, and a taste of rage. There was the flowering of love, as well. The budding of life. This seemed so differently same as the realm of the strange, and so entirely foreign to the land of my familiar. My blue eyes fall on the shapes of others like me. There are young and aged, though no truly old souls are lingering. At least none that still care about life. I step forward, unaware that the presence of a strange young colt could be cause for alarm. I just want to know who I have come to see. Who around me still walk this world with me.
gypsy vanner mutt; XY; perlino tobiano; newborn; 15’3hh wfg; pagan x peyton
pattern from colourlovers; html by shiva for dargon 2015


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