Welcome to the Topspin message board - the place for all Tim Henman fans!

This message board was set up primarily for members of Tim's official fan club, Topspin, but if you're still interested in what Tim's doing with tennis now he's retired then you're welcome to check here for news.

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Royal Albert Hall - Caroline's finally been able to give me some news - see inside.

Apologies for the delay, but apparently they've been trying to arrange some sort of "tie-break shoot-out" event for the Saturday evening, which has affected the rest of the schedule.
Anyway, it now looks like Tim will play on the Wednesday evening (2nd Dec), Saturday afternoon, and possibly also Saturday evening in this extra event. And of course we hope he'll be in the final on Sunday!

I've just booked for Wednesday and it looks like tickets have been selling well, so worth getting in quickly before the schedule's officially announced.
Hope to see some of you there.


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