The Lost Islands

everyone is a monster to someone

He inhaled deeply in surprise as she brushed her muzzle to his, dragging in her sweet, feminine scent. His breath held as though his lungs were caught, frozen in shock, gold eyes having gone wide. His surprise was a happy one though. When he finally found himself able to breathe, eyes bright, a smile formed his mouth even as he said, “Really?” No matter how many lovely mares he’d brought home to protect in the Bay, Nephilim would always be surprised when he crossed paths with a new family member to bring into the herd. He was always even more surprised when it was a mare like Nova, one he felt attraction to in spite of barely knowing.

Likely this was a manifestation of his lack of confidence in himself at the core, but Nephilim wouldn’t dare to dip into any troubling thoughts when he had something as pure and sweet as Nova was.

“I mean,” he began to quickly cover up for the break in space, realizing he’d needed to respond, “Of course, of course you can stay. I’d be… happy, if you did.” Happy didn’t sound good enough, it didn’t sound like it fully encompassed just how it made him feel that she’d be here.

But what he couldn’t express in voice, he could in touch. Nephilim closed the distance between them, brushing his muzzle against hers; closer, he touched her neck, whispered lips moving delicately over the sleek muscles beneath her skin. Excitement coursed through him, electrified him. His cream tail snapped at his hind end, slim legs shifting in place as though he couldn’t bear to keep still. As if this energy he gleaned from her presence – her touch – was too much to hold inside.

For only a moment he allowed himself to be greedy and rest against her, lips to her shoulder, and then he stepped away, the humidity of the steam around them beginning to soak deep into his skin, making him feel damp. His gold eyes danced over her face and he smiled, knowing that the warmth he felt wasn’t just because of the hot water pools; it started from within and radiated outward, all because of her.

(( image by livewild4ever ))


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