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Unhealthy - Blind in right eye

Eye Color – Both eyes are a pale glacial blue. Her right eye is a milkier hue thanks to her blindness.

Coat Color – She is a truly unique girl among her family, this one is. She has received a remarkable dilution of her entire body. Her base colour is a very pale auburn. Across her body, a pathwork of white markings take place, weaving through her undercoat. On the left side of her body, white drapes down the side of her neck and tapers out across her shoulder, dispersing into a grizzling of sorts that migrates very slightly onto her leg. Her hip is taken by white too that drapes down her back leg and down the front of her hock. Her tail has a cloak of white about half way down until the tip, which is pale auburn. Her right side is less of a patchwork. Very faint accents of white weave into her neck and down her shoulder in a messy Z-like shape almost, leading into a patch of white that flares out over her right side. Her back right leg is also cloaked into white from her knee known to her ankle before returning to cream. Her nose is a dark liver colour, as are her paw pads. Reference here.

Coat Type - Her fur is quite thick with long guard hairs. It may be a little uncomfortable in summer, in fact. It is even longer around her neck and a little unruly looking.

Height/Weight - 40 inches / 168 lbs

Body Type – Body wise, she takes quite a bit after her grandfather. She is as tall as her father but significantly heavier with a thick, broadly built physique. Her chest is deep and her shoulders wide, boasting a rather impressive layer of muscles. Her legs are not particularly long but are thick, giving her a rather looming appearance. Her muzzle is narrow and long like her father's, and thanks to her mother, she has a narrower waist and delightfully womanly features. However, she truly does look powerful above all else, particularly when compared to her more feminine mother.


Eye Color - Her mother's sickly yellow-green right down to the shade.

Coat Color - To no surprise, her base colour is a pure, snowy white. Deep auburn flecks begin around her temples, thickening into a patch of this colour that encapsulates the top of her skull and ears - a medicine hat of sorts, or a bloody crown. This same auburn drips down the back of her neck in a messy, thin line of interweaved fur. Reference here.

Coat Type - Average length but thick all over. It is very smooth looking and quite close to the body.

Height/Weight - 36 inches / 132 lbs

Body Type - She is smaller than both parents but she makes up for it with her incredibly curvy body. Thanks to her father, she has a deep chest that slopes back into a neat, thin waist. Her legs are long and thin and she will be a speeding bullet in her later years. Her strength is not particularly noteworthy however, with much of her muscle being dedicated to giving her a rather impressive stride rather than direct fighting power. However, she is fantastically girlish with long, narrow features.

"Mischievous and clever, these two were basically raised by Tobias and Flare. Both share the murderous tendencies of their true parents, and keep tabs on their father. They seek to become assassins one day, or mercenaries."
females ;; two years ;; asteraia's imps ;; seline x eric

Melisandre: Lurid:


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