The Lost Islands

This is no ordinary love

"Then I'll stay." She said firmly, not a bit of uncertainty in her tone. It was as simple as that for Nova, whose heart fluttered in her chest while she waited to hear his answer. All she needed was confirmation from him that he wanted her here. She could figure out the rest. After all, she was grown now. And daddy couldn't make life decisions for her any more. Neither could Evaline. She had chose Nephilim. And that was that.

Nephilim tries to explain the situation further and Nova looks away, ashen colored ears pinning briefly against her smooth neck. She didn't want to hear. She didn't want to know. She snorts, a creamy huff of warm carbon dioxide fleeing from her flared nostrils. Then she pivots to face the stallion that brought her here, and marches with haste toward him. "I don't need to know the details right now." She says quickly, raising her head high in an effort for the two to be eye-to-eye. Her mind is awhirl with questions, however. Who he was? Someone who hates him? Nova grew up in the Prairie. If there was something there who had a problem with him, she likely knows them. And her mother likely knows why. Evaline, after all, was a drama queen. If only the palomino mare was back in the Prairie now...

Nova presses her muzzle to his chest, breathing in his scent deeply before rubbing the side of her face up his neck. "I trust you, Nephilim. Nothing else matters."

Vita Nova
3 | Mare | Evaline x Valentine | Smoky Back Splash | 15 hh | © Vinyl
html by shiva for public use


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