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let it be written
dark wings, dark words
ours is the fury

The idea had sparked from a conversation had over the winter, when questions had been asked about alligators. Each brother could, perhaps, hold claim to the idea then to travel to Iromar and see one for themselves. Viserion, who had first brought up alligators to Hyrule, Drogon who in turn wanted to escort Semele so that he might see one for herself and learn what they were, and Rhaegal, who just wanted to go on a new adventure. It was early morning when the three had roused from the den and crept out so as not to wake their mother. She always seemed to know when they were up to something, and her young dragons very highly doubted she would approve of them sneaking into another pack - even if it was an ally - to spy on such dangerous creatures as alligators. They had considered waking Kalseru, unable to tell her of their plans the night before, but she was tucked away behind Daenerys, and so they had no choice but to leave her behind this time. When they were finally far enough away from the den that they did not think they were at risk of being caught, Rhaegal burst away from his brothers and jumped into the air. "This will be great; Drogon, you go get Semele, and Vis you said Arthfael wanted to come right? I'm going to go find Bastille, we'll all meet along the southern border by the Aplos, yeah?" Without waiting for a reply from his brothers he shot off, back up the trails towards the highest dens in the mountain range to retrieve Bastille.

For each of them it took some time to reach the den of their chosen companion for this adventure, but the boys hoped that each one would be ready and waiting for them so that they did not chance waking their parents. Of course such was not a problem for Viserion since Arthfael had moved to the mountain without his parents. Bastille and Semele were both yearlings as well and might have moved out of the dens they had once shared with their parents, but both Rhaegal and Drogon searched nearby, treading as softly as possible as they approached. Once each of them had found their friend, they all began to make their way towards the chosen meeting destination. Seeing as Semele's family denned lower in the mountains, Drogon was the first to reach the headwaters of the Aplos, with Semele at his side. There was a special smile upon his face, one that only seemed to appear when in her company, though by comparison to most young wolves it was not much of a smile at all. Still, he knew that she was aware of his pleasure at keeping her company, for his tail waved slowly back and forth as they came to a stop, waiting for the other four that would accompany them. At only a year old Drogon had already swiftly outgrown Semele, standing at least a full head taller than her. But to him it only meant it would be all the easier to protect her, should the need arise.

Viserion and Arthfael were the next to arrive, followed shortly after by Rhaegal and Bastille. As they made their way down the mountains Rhaegal would occasionally challenge Bastille to a short race, and it seemed that he lost as many times as he won. The multi-tones of his eyes finally broke away from the girl with the golden cape as he came high stepping into the group, practically prancing about in his excitement. "Come on then, what are we waiting for?" As if he hadn't been the last to arrive.

As a group they made their way south along the Aplos, growing ever closer to the borders of Iromar. When they finally did arrive, the sun was creeping further up into the sky, nearing midmorning already. Drogon paused along the borders, nostrils flaring as he glanced about with stern, garnet eyes. He never appreciated trespassers in Spirane, and yet here he was about to move across the borders of another pack without permission or friends within. He snorted softly, uneasy for a moment as he glanced over to Semele. He would stick close to her, and if they were discovered he would ensure that he and his brothers were the ones to take the blame, and not those that they had brought along with them. Viserion sniffed at the borders, curious about the alpha female's scent and those that were potent enough to be considered routine border patrols. But Rhaegal was the first to move across the border, jogging into the unknown with is head lifted and looking about, trying to take it all in. Drogon moved to walk within Semele's shadow, following her wherever she went, and Viserion moved with a bit more reservation than his russet and ebony crowned sibling. While he was curious about the world that unfolded around him, he was also wary of being discovered, hoping that they would not have need to go too deep into the territory to find what they were looking for. "With the sun starting to really come up - if they are like most reptiles - they will be laying out somewhere to warm themselves." But the question was, where? Did they like the deeper or more shallow waters? They might need to do a bit of looking around before they found anything.

Rhaegal shot a sideways glance at Bastille, his lips lifting in a grin. "Pretty cool, huh?" His eyebrows popped as he jogged off, challenging her to delve deeper into the territory with him, ahead of the other four adolescents. Drogon, on the other hand, noticed a peculiar bird, like nothing he had ever seen on the mountains. It had long, slow moving legs and an unusually lengthy neck, not to mention its grey and blue feathers. There were certainly no birds like that living up in the mountains. He touched his nose to Semele's shoulder, gesturing towards it so that she might see as well. "Things are...very different here," he said, for even the ground beneath his paws felt strange by comparison to the solidity of the mountain soil.

The Young Dragons
the three year old sons of daenerys, legacies of spirane
html by castlegraphics; image by dancing-crows


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