The Lost Islands

Pay Me My Dues

...Before I Take What I'm Owed.

Relief flooded through the colt when he heard the answering cry of the stallion. Had he already spent so much time in the Lagoon he had grown fearful of his friend? The wrath of other stallions, even those who should have been close was astounding to him. Hearing Nephilim’s greeting soothed him and brought him hope. Basking in the small comforts he turned to await the stallion’s approach.

Once the golden form of Nephilim, Tithe could not keep the small smile off his armored features. In a place he had no allies it was refreshing to see a friendly face in a place he held so dear to his heart. Without thinking twice about it, he too greeted the stallion as he would have a brother. It felt like a little of the weight he had carried had been lifted from his shoulders. It pained him to think he would have to once again leave this place. It was a pain he refused to let cross his face. The weakness had no place here, least of all at this moment and with what he was about to ask.

Pulling his head back he opened his mouth to speak to his friend but stopped short at the sight of the two girls. Stunned into silence the young knight’s thought process completely stopped. The thought of Nephilim having daughters took his breath away and made a part of him swell with pleasure, while another crumbled in pain and jealousy. They were beautiful, and they were Nephilim’s family. A family was something that made the boy’s heart ache. His path was not his desire. Every day he wished he could choose another.

Blinking, he shook his head a little to clear his thoughts and bring himself back. Forcing a smile, he softly greeted the girls, holding himself as honorably as he could, bowing his head respectfully to the ladies. “Greetings, Maziel and Mariael. It is an honor and a pleasure to meet the daughters of my friend.”

Quietly he watched Nephilim send his daughters away and watched them for a moment, trying to ignore the feelings in his soul. It was wonderful to see the life that was springing around the Bay. Young at the time he could not understand the pain Nephilim had felt when he learned his first born had never breathed. Looking at the two that now walked and breathed, he grasped a glimmer of understanding now.

“They are truly beautiful, Nephilim.” He said with a genuine smile as he turned back to their conversation. Back to business his smile fell and face became guarded once again. Fear tickled in his chest, but he stood strong. “Simply put; I have done something extremely stupid. And am about to do something stupider. I was asked to steal a mare before I knew what life was like in the Lagoon.” He remembered the sight of Felony’s hooves striking the ground inches from another’s face and the beaten form of the mare at their side. He knew the truth then. “When I failed I was told to force her back. I refused. Refusal means putting your life on the line. I want to challenge him before he has the chance to get me.” He looked directly at Nephilim, hoping his fear did not show in his eyes for he knew it did not show in his shielded face. “I cannot stand by and let the injustice continue. I came to ask for help.”

He looked again over at the two fillies. He had nothing to live for, and he knew if he faced Felony on his own he would likely die. Nephilim had two daughters and a herd to live for. All at once, Tithe felt like a traitor for asking him to risk himself as well.

colt : friesian mix : 16hh : grey (black)
html © dante.


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