i will do what queens do. i will rule. - " />
The Lost Islands

i will do what queens do. i will rule.

& stormborn.
i will do what queens do.

Relief flooded Dany’s face. He understood. Heck, he’d comforted her. She clung to his touch. She needed this. At the same time, she hated that she felt this way. She was not a dependent female. She was idle to be independent, but the truth be told, we all needed someone every once in a while. She watched him carefully. “Thank you for understanding…” she said quietly. Truly she as grateful. It felt as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. The burden was gone. He knew the truth and he’d graciously accepted it. She laid her head gently to his shoulder. Warm air left her lips as she relaxed quietly against him.

The air was quiet. The frost was lifting from the Bay. She could see through long lashes, sprouts of green grass beginning to emerge from the frigid snow of the Bay. She smiled to herself. This was quite possibly the most daring and awarding choice she’d ever made. She rose her head and gazed at him. “Are there others here?” She knew the answer but couldn’t help but push idle conversation. She liked to hear his voice. It was comforting…calm even. Before he could answer she began to feel inquisitive. “What are your plans…? Dreams?” She wasn’t sure what sparked the sudden curiosity, but she wanted to know his thoughts.

mare; age 12; quarter horse; cremello;
i will rule.
html © dante.


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