The Lost Islands

.D.istorted imager.y. [Nephilim? Pagan? Any]

She had managed. Somehow, right through the coldest months she had managed. Under the waves of panic she had bowed her head, trembling under the cover of nights long shadows before she could draw comfort from Pagans presence once again. Though she knew as the month’s progress and her sandy sides grew ever broader as the stubborn life flourished within her that she should be remaining within the safety of the herd, but she could not remain still. Further and further the near blind mare ventured, distracting herself from her fears in the learning of the new world forming about her as snows slowly melted and foliage poked its way through the slow to shift drifts.

The world of white was slowly giving way to splashes of colour. Green joining the isolated grey of the rock faces that had stood against the weathering winds and driving snows. Spring was well and truly there her senses told her, even if the mountains adamantly clung to the cold that seemed permanently sunken into the very heart of the terrain. But even that gradual rise in temperature was gratefully received. Never had she lingered in lands so given to winter. But this was home, this Inlet, she would learn to adjust. Just that word brought a warmth through her. A spring to her tired heavy steps. Home.

Clouded eyes stared out wishful as she wandered on further, leaving behind the protection of a herd she still could not help but wonder at. Suddenly she was forced to pause, a grunt leaving her as movement within kicked at her, though a smile grew upon her sooty lips. "As restless as me, little one?" she murmured to the foal as another movement followed as though in agreement, bringing a short laugh out into the air. "Let’s go a little further then."

Minutes slipped by, she should have turned back. But on her dark limbs carried her slowly, unable to stay still. Upon the air a scent drifted. Twisting this way and that on the winds it teased her senses, and though she did not halt a growing bundle of nerves urged her back. Amica was almost upon it when realisation struck with a fresh gust of wind blowing the elusive scent directly to awaiting nostrils. Eyes widened as she jerked away abruptly, a nervous whinny cutting through the air. It was the scent of blood, of death. Raven locks blurred across her features as she swung awkwardly about to lurch away from the remains of some unfortunate elf that had become meal to the wolves. Away. Urgency blinded her to the maps formed in her mind over the months. She had to move, that was all she knew. The pains rippling through her sides urged the importance of finding somewhere safe all the more. Away from death.

For the first time since her arrival upon the frigid shores the gilded lady found herself well and truly lost. Branches snagged at dark threads, clawed down her aching sides as she pushed between the shadowed trunks that lined her vision, hazy blurs and nothing more. Finally she stumbled to her stop unable to push on another step. For all she knew each one took her further from the herd. "Pagan." With that wistful name she gave in.

Two. Shock rippled through the exhaustion that claimed the mare. Dark lips moved tenderly over the two tiny forms stirring at her feet, breathing their sweet young scents in amazement. Emotions filled her to the brim, barely containing one before another swooped in to take its place. "My darling girls," she uttered, wishing desperately she might gaze upon their little frames, see they were well. That all her foolishness had done them no harm. It was the snap of twigs that sent tension buzzing through her, fresh fear blossoming. Many eyes would watch over them Pagan had said, and yet where had she taken them but away from those eyes at that precious moment. Ears flattened as she positioned herself carefully above the new fillies. Surely her fears of letting her child.. children, down would not come to fruit the moment they came to life. Fate could not be so cruel.

Mare - 5 years - Buckskin - Quarter horse mutt - 15.2hh - Of the Inlet


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