The Lost Islands

.D.istorted imager.y.

Never had she been more aware of another presence than she was of the two at her feet at that moment. Two of them. That she simply could not grasp fully, a fact she did not entire wish to consider right then. One helpless little life she had panicked over protecting and guiding. Something she had only just begun to accept might be possible with Pagans strong support and kindness to aid her. But two! Even as the mares attention twisted away to the surrounding trees her flattened ears twitched slightly listening to the soft snuffling sounds beneath her, each one already picked out so individual. She longed to reach down and come to know her new precious children, to breath their heavenly new scents and beckon them up to rise to their spindly limbs. But their imploring little figures had to be resisted for the moment.

Her heart thudded almost painfully within her chest, the memory of that scent of death, of blood and torn flesh, all far to fresh within her mind. Dark tail lashing anxiously her side, Amica could only utter a silent prayer to whatever gods might or might not exist to keep her girls safe and keep the wolves at bay. Let them have had their fill and be far far away.

Nostrils flared as her cloudied eyes scanned her surrounds, searching for anything through the haze that blurred the foliage all about her. How she loathed forests. With the sunlight trickling between the canopy overhead odd shadows danced across the forest floor whilst through the air sunbeams shimmered and danced with the fluttering of leaves in the breeze. Everything seemed to be alive about her. Every shadow hid unknown peril, every ripple of light telling of a passerby. But it was not the endangering aroma of wolves that reached her searching nose, but a masculine scent not entirely unknown.

Neck arched, lifting a fraction as the males nicker reached her, a short snort exhaled as she searched her mind for why those tones tugged at her memory. But it was not until the childlike voice slipped through the air that she recalled the winter scene, the play that had gone on all about her whilst she had stood observing the faint splashes of colour shifting vaguely through her vision. The neighbouring stallion. Which meant that she had well and truly got turned about in her panic.

Dark limbs shifted uneasy still despite the knowledge of her leads ease about this stallion. He was still a stranger to her. And years of wariness were only increased many times over with the movements stirring beneath her. Blinking slowly she fixed her eyes upon a distortion in the air ahead, ears twitching uncertainly though they remained half back against her skull. But who would pose a danger to two newborn, especially with his own young in tow. "Forgive me, I-" Words were cut off as a tiny muzzle nudged her leg, attention swinging downwards in a heartbeat to the sounds of stubborn movements increasing.

Unknown to her it was the elder of the two that took it in her mind to attempt to stand and investigate those stranger sounds all about her. The fillies gold and white fought against the pull of gravity, long limbs refusing to organise themselves until finally she was up leaving her bay sibling, a small sound of success leaving her tiny vocals, reaching out instinctively to the tawny mare who stood listening intently, a look of worry and hope shifting constantly across her features. "Please," she could not help but ask, glancing in the steeds direction before her sooty nose lowered to brush along the girl still upon the forest floor at her feet, "Tell me, are they well?" Were they whole? Healthy?

Mare - 5 years - Buckskin - Quarter horse mutt - 15.2hh - Of the Inlet


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