The Lost Islands

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In the mere seconds of silence that followed the gilded ladys query a dozen different worries and fears twisted through her. Even a simple heartbeat was too long a delay, feeling like minutes of drawn out silence before the hammer dropped with bad news. Like a disease the terror threatened to take hold for a moment, coiling within her, taunting and taking hold of her until she forgot for a second to even breath. Had her venture across the autumn sea's harmed them? The stumbles that she had been so careful to avoid, and yet were inevitable given her failing? Or, please let it not be so, had she somehow passed that failing on to either of her helpless children. Let them have what she had not.

But the stallions words finally broke through, a soothing balm that had her drawing in a deep breath finally as it calmed those immediate fears. Ears pricked towards him even as her darker child decided it was time to join her sibling upon her feet, relief filling the mares gentle features along with a natural mothers pride in hearing anothers praise of her young. A careful step closer to her daughters kept them close by, dark nose only breaking away from one soft fuzzy hide long enough to locate the other as though she might loose one in the care of the other. How was she to keep track of two?

Her lords cry out amidst the tree's caused her head to jolt up, ears pricking keenly as her heartbeat leapt with a fresh wave of guilt. Again she worried Pagan. But she did not move, carefully dipping her head back to gently sooth the girls, hearing them stir nervously at the advance of their fathers powerful form rushing through the foliage. Her own form trembled slightly as she watched longingly for that blur of pale flesh, but even if she had missed that faint movement there was no missing the sounds of his arrival. A self-conscous smile broke across the mares features at the sound of his hesitant pause, muzzle breaking away from her pale daughter, to extend out to him with her own soft nicker. "Come meet your daughters, Pagan. Khione, Ostara," she uttered quietly, her own words sending a pool of warmth through her as they were named to the world. Yes, with Pagan, with the herd, and it seemed, with their neighours, perhaps she could handle two.

Even with all the watching eyes about her Amica barely resist from calling Ostara back to her side as the filly wobbled from her side to investigate the watchers, ears flickering nervously though she forced herself to stay still. Instead she turned to bury her nose amongst Pagans thick mane as he drew alongside, breathing his strengthing scent and giving her trust to his eyes as a tired nicker of thanks was released to the stallion who's lands she'd unintentionally trespassed upon. "Please, It is your home," she addressed the air in his direction. She felt guilt enough without forcing him and his daughters to move away in their own home.

Khione watched her twin from the safety of their mothers side, tiny ears pricked curiously to attention peeked around the sandy mare at the many who'd arrived to witness their arrival. Bright brown eyes, the hue her mothers might have been had not the cloudy hue tainted them, turned their gaze on the pale stallion at her mothers side, watching their greeting and snorting her interuption. Tottering a couple of steps beneath Amica's head the fillys white nose reach up to grasp Pagans long pale mane, giving a small experimental tug upon the thick locks before releasing and staring up at the steed.

Mare - 5 years - Buckskin - Quarter horse mutt - 15.2hh - Of the Inlet

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