The Lost Islands

This is no ordinary love

She stood quietly, watching Nephilim as his body shuttered with worry. She wanted to console him in some way, remind him that she was here. She was always going to be here. Nova nickered quietly as he approached, allowing his touch to envelope her. She closed her eyes as she felt his muzzle graze her neck and come to rest at her shoulder. In turn, she lipped at the matted strands of his mane, and allowed her nostrils to blow heavy plumes of warm carbon dioxide at his withers and down his back. She lived for these kinds of embraces. "I'll always be here." She reminded him, as his mind seemingly played catch up. She could feel his muscles relaxing against her. His tone normalizing. She nickered again, reassuringly.

Nova was unsure of what else she could do to ease the stallion from what he claimed was just a bad dream. So she remained there, touching him occasionally, running her muzzle from his chest to his shoulder to the side of his barrel. Silver strands of her tail flicked idly over her haunches as she struggled to focus on him without seeing his face. When he finally began to tell her what happened, she stood quietly for some time, lobes flicking back and forth as she registered his words. Eventually she broke from their embrace, backing several steps so that she could face him head on. "Nephilim." She said softly, her crystal blue eyes studying him. "You couldn't because you're better than that." She reminded him.

The word daughter seethed into her memory. It was the first time she'd heard him talk to her about his family, about the others he housed here. He had mares who had given him children. She was barely an adult herself and the thought of becoming a mother had never crossed her mind until now. Is that what was next for her? If that's what it took to keep Nephilim's attention and affection, then that's what she would do. "You won't fail. Don't say that." She spoke again, bumping her muzzle to his. "You will find a way to bring her home to your daughter. I am sure of it." Nova said with a weak smirk across her face. "But to do it right, it will take time. And rest. You must rest now."

She tried not to let her mind wander to her brief time away at the Prairie. She hadn't seen Nephilim before she left for the shores of Luthien, and she wondered now if he could smell it on her now. The pair hadn't talked about her father since that first day when she arrived here. But Nova had been so anxious to see him. The visit was short and utterly heartbreaking. Valentine was leaving. He was collecting the family he cared most about and planned to flee the islands. It was all so sudden. Thinking about it again now made warm, salty tears well in her eyes, but the mare blinked them away quickly, for fear of Nephilim seeing. She didn't want to bother him now with her silly problems. He clearly had enough of his own.

Vita Nova
3 | Mare | Evaline x Valentine | Smoky Back Splash | 15 hh | © Vinyl
html by shiva for public use

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