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catch a moth and hold it in my hand . . .

title: Corax

sex: female

age: young teen

appearance: Corax represents her name rather finely, a "raven" of a she-wolf. Her pelt is a rich inky black that seems to swallow light, with a soft tattered texture that ruffles like feathers in the breeze. Even her stature is small . . . birdlike . . . a compact body with lithe long limbs that help her step delicately over the ground. Corax is often mistaken for a young, pretty lad, as her frame is all angles with very little in the way of modest feminine curves. In her opinion, she's much too thin. The fur of her ruff sticks out in haphazard little tufts along her nape and spine. Her tail is long and full. She has a vixen's face, elegantly sculpted with a pert muzzle, large ears, and huge doe-like eyes. And these eyes! Deep bottomless black like the rest of her coat, liquid bright, swimming with mystery.

personality: Brilliant. Melancholy. Quiet. Corax is comfortable in the shadows, where she watches others to learn as much as she can. A painfully shy lass, she prefers being on her own. Physical touch is agony to her - Corax avoids it at all costs. Having to be on her own out of necessity and choice has taught her how to be clever and resourceful; she'll often steal meals from packs and take shelter within their territories without them ever knowing. As much as getting too close to others scares her, Corax is almost more afraid of what she'll do to others . . . she believes herself capable of all sorts of horrendous evils that are out of her control.

history: Corax's birth heralded the start of an ancient prophecy in her homeland. Born with a twin sister as white as she was black, the kingdom murmured of the Death of the Old . . . and the Rebirth of a New. They believed Corax's shaadowy pelt and her onyx eyes were those of the goddess Nox: the harbinger of death and destroyer of worlds. However, her sister portrayed the likeness of Lux: guardian of life and creator of new beginnings. They were destined not to know of their fate until they came of age, when both would be forced to fight to the death. Whichever daughter emerged victorious would take the crown and begin her rule . . . one of light if the white she-wolf won, and one of death if the black she-wolf did. Corax learned of the destiny that awaited her much too soon. Horrified that she would be pitted against her beloved twin, the young faeling ran away from home--allowing her sister to inherit the crown unopposed while she resigned to live as an exile for the remainder of her lonely days.

puppeteer:, LSVK

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