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Plot-trackers and to-do lists can also be posted here. Events such as "Quarterly Highlight" nominations and voting, site-wide plots, Casanova nominations and site-wide changes (such as a rule update) will also be posted here. You may use the 'key' below to colour-code your posts!

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THE PLAYER QUIZ (everyone)

So. Normally I do this for characters but I thought for a nice change we could do it about players instead. This is purely just for fun, you don’t have to answer anything you don’t want to and you can answer any way you like. Have fun XD

How long have rp’d for?

What type of RP was your very first (canine, horse, big cat, fantasy etc..)?

What was the name of your very first RP character?

How long have you been at LC?

Who was your very first character at LC and where are they now?

Who was the very first person to post with you at LC?

Do you have a signature character (does not have to be from LC), one everyone knows you for? If not, do you have a favourite character you love to write the most?

What inspired you to make that character?

Are there any other writers in the RPG community that inspire you, that you admire or that push you to be a better writer?

In real life, what authors do you love to read?

Is there anything else unique or interesting about yourself you want to share? Share a random fun fact or two about yourself.

Last of all, choose some of your characters from LC, tell us a few little known facts about them

  • Boop! -
    Oh me!! -jumps in pile- -
    Oh me oh my -
    >.> -
    Fun Times! -
    Ooooh!! -
    > -
    Oh pick me! -
    Mine! -
    Ooh -
    X -
    Hmmmm -
    My Turn!:D -
    me, me! -
    -waves- -

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