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How long have rp’d for?
-On and off since I was like 10ish, so a little over 8 years now

What type of RP was your very first (canine, horse, big cat, fantasy etc..)?
-I started out like many on Blossom forest, a wolf RP! I have now gradually moved on to not just wolves put humans and supernatural beings.

What was the name of your very first RP character?
-Oh lordy me....her name was ShadowHeart haha, that super original 10 year old name guys! An all black wolf with blue eyes.

How long have you been at LC?
-It will officially be 2 years on March 17th!!!

Who was your very first character at LC and where are they now?
-My first Character was Denali! :D She was brought in at 3 years old and is now 9. She has found peace in Iromar with her imprint Astaroth.

Who was the very first person to post with you at LC?
- I believe it was Lark.....and Snack.....but I could be wrong about this.

Do you have a signature character (does not have to be from LC), one everyone knows you for? If not, do you have a favourite character you love to write the most?
-I do have a signature character! My lovely Scarlett! I play her all over, different versions of her! I have one here, one on sacrosanct, used to have one on the burdened before I quit there, and currently have one on Reign over me! I really enjoy playing her, she is my most developed character, the one that I relate to the most. Honestly, Scarlett is me.

What inspired you to make that character?
-My absolutely favorite song of all time "It's Time" by Imagine dragons helped inspire me to create her. At the time, I was still new to the burdened, still finding a character that would stick with me. I was listening to this song when I came up with the idea for her and here she is to this day!

Are there any other writers in the RPG community that inspire you, that you admire or that push you to be a better writer?
-Where do I even start? YES! Like everyone seriously. Every single one of you inspires me and makes me want to push myself to be a better writer.

In real life, what authors do you love to read?
-I don't have a specific author I like to be honest, other than the obvious big names. I like Patricia Briggs lately, her style of werewolf/supernatural books are pretty good. And I can't remember other authors....whoops!

Is there anything else unique or interesting about yourself you want to share? Share a random fun fact or two about yourself.
-I am a huge ass fucking nerd (you probably knew this already). I desire to one day be a zoologist, to own my own wolf sanctuary or animal sanctuary.

Last of all, choose some of your characters from LC, tell us a few little known facts about them.

Scarlett: Scarlett was adopted by Zeltzin! Her original mother had taken her away from her pack because she was born with cursed red eyes, therefore she would have been killed if she had been found. The pack hunted down the mother but never caught her, but she died of sickness and starvation along the way, leaving her Scarlett behind. She is also kinda betrothed to someone, by her own choosing lol.

Denali: Denali is a princess! She comes from a massive pack and thinks they were all slaughtered, but in truth a few survived by joining her brother and now still live in the old pack lands. If she were to return she would inherent the throne

Eris: Grew up in a cult. As first born, she was to undergo a ritual to take over for her parents, but she was always rebellious and never followed directions. So when her little sister was born, they gave the title to her. Eris had one day taken her little sister out and in the process gotten her killed, to this day she carries the guilt but never shows it.

Reich: Reich lost his voice because he was a prisoner of war to speak. He was tortured endlessly until his mind broke and in order to cope he forgot everything, including how to speak!

  • My Turn!:D -
    me, me! -
    -waves- -

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