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This needs to stop

Perhaps I shouldn't be posting this here, gods know there is already too much drama as it is. But I'm having a hard time staying quiet so I'm going to voice myself. This is not for attention and I'm not looking for anything. This is how I feel as someone watching from the side lines.

People, you know who you are, need to understand something about Lunar Children. It. Is. A. Game!! It is a roleplay being run by volunteers who take time out of their daily lives to put up with you. They listen to your complaints and keep you happy even though you should be slapped on the wrist and told "No" like a child. We are all here to play wolves in a pretend world. But most of us know it's a game!

People make mistakes. Instead of freaking out and making yourself look like a jerk, and making the other person feel like complete crap, why not be a cival adult and handle the problem like one. Instead of name calling behind backs and demanding things so you, and only you, can benefit. It's outrageous!

The staff here don't have to do what they do. They don't have to put up with our crap, but they do. And you know what, I couldn't be more proud of a group of people. LC staff, you keep staying awesome. I can't say enough about the amazing work you ladies do each day.

Come on, people. This is a place of fun for people to come together and write. There is no need for bullying. There is no reason we should feel afraid to post with a wolf or try to claim a pack. We should not be smearing the name of other players and staff. This is not high school. Knock it off!

To staff, I apologize if this causes a storm. I couldn't stay quiet any longer. Feel free to PM me if I have over stepped my bounds. That was by no means my intention.

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