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Plot-trackers and to-do lists can also be posted here. Events such as "Quarterly Highlight" nominations and voting, site-wide plots, Casanova nominations and site-wide changes (such as a rule update) will also be posted here. You may use the 'key' below to colour-code your posts!

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Prizes Announced Inside!

Hi guys!
So, it's time for the big raffle drawing!
All names and prizes were put into Random.org and then we let fate decide the winning numbers.

Here are the results!

And here they are written out a little more readable:

Alicia has won a Drawing or Manipulation by Sol!
Orion has won 20 points!
Reba has won 20 points!
Joey has won 20 points!
Jailheart has won a Headshot by Lz!
Fin has won a Headshow Drawing by Meryl!
Bab has won a Full Manipulation by Riley
Toulouse has won a Full Manipulation by Lz with HTML by Riley!
Momo has won a Headshot Manipulation by Lz!
Chant has won a Drawing or Manipulation by Sol!
Castle has won a Headshot Drawing by Meryl!
Wolfsbane has was a Full Body Drawing by Meryl!
Dargon has won 20 points!
Christa has won 20 points!

We will begin the formalities of the prizes throughout this week! Please remember to be patient with your prize as we all have quite a few to work on. However, congratulations to all and thank you for entering!


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