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Plotting for Motionless & Artemis [Character Creation Needed for One]

Alright, so my main concern right now is for Motionless and Artemis.

Motionless is hurt by her ex lovers. Her comeback is from a her second ex lover, Michaelangelo. Morrissey was her first, he had cheated on her and abused her sexually, physically and verbally. Michaelangelo had promised different, saying he was not like that. Only for him to attempt to cheat with his ex lover on her. So she left, seeking Blossom once more for refuge. She plans to stay this time.

This can go two ways.
She is hurt, fearful of rejection and yet still wants to be loved. She doesn't believe she has a heart.

Way I
She can be led on by a male, promised the world and crushed at his paws once more to her breaking point.
However, after this I would want her to actually find eternal happiness.

Way II
She skips the heartbreak and just goes right to a happily ever after. But where's the fun in that?

Character Needed
Artemis is forever broken by her beloved Justice who had once loved her, only to leave for another girl. They had spent a night together under the stars in winter and kept in contact well only to have Artemis shut out for months on end. Then once she was hurt by her abusive ex lover did Justice come back in to play the hero and have her leave him. They lost contact shortly after again.

I'd like them to meet up once more and a possible happily ever after. I'd like her to find happiness and cheer up instead of being cold and upset all of her life.

Justice is an adult male with a skinny frame complete with a dark brown pelt and amber eyes.

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