During the day, sentries guard the sleeping. When the sky is dark and the moon dances with the stars, this is when the real fun begins. Munashii Gekko's forest is the only haunt where you can find your local misfits all in one place. A land of the forbidden and forgotten, a place that is riddled with dangers of a whole different kind. The wolves here have long misplaced their rightful minds, and now live like creatures damned to prowl and lurk through the night. It's easy to lose yourself here, sanity was sure to fade away and wither; there was never anything normal about this nefarious nest. The silent threats that whispered in the breeze were enough to deter even the largest of demons around. It was not strength nor wit that ensured your survival here with Eric, and challengers would be torn down with a morose lethality - there was nothing left in his cold blue eyes that promised mercy to anyone who dared to overstep their worth. So, would you give up the sun for the moon and stars? Do you have enough vigor to become a well regarded sentry? - Put on a game face to step up and pass the sepia king's test or turn and leave before he catches your scent. You never know who wants to snack on your delicious blood in this forest.


every scar will build my throne

ooc; i added the bit about them discussing ranks because of what we talked about on chatango. no real intent to godmode, just figured it would be easier than actually having them talk it out. you can change that if you’d like.

ic; The pair was in agreement and soon headed back towards Munashii Gekko. They had come all this way and for what? Well, even though no fight had occurred, something was still proven at the battle ground. The willingness to fight for the pack was evident from both of them. They both stood in their corners and were ready to carve flesh in order to do what they felt was the right thing for the pack. It was the idea of the proposal that Titan had mentioned. The fight itself didn’t mean much; proving how much blood you can draw from another hardly shows leadership skills. But it shows what you will put on the line for the pack.

Titan listened intently to Ameira, filing away the information she gave about each pack member and trying his best to hold onto it. Of course he wouldn’t remember every little detail but it was a good baseline of information to start with. He especially held onto the name of the one ranked member; Horizon. The entire point of ranks brought back into the front of his mind the ideas he had about restructuring the way ranks in a pack would function. The way most leaders in Blossom Forest worked their packs left many wolves lacking the opportunity to really reach their full potential. Wolves were content enough to coast by within a pack but the black and crimson male felt like a wolf was the most fulfilled in life if they were working. They were a working animal. They liked to accomplish things and to contribute to the group. That was the kind of life that Titan wanted to make standard within the pack. He looked towards Ameira as she finished speaking of another pack member who first came to the border as a challenger. Odd coincidence. This one had withdrawn her challenge and agreed to join. A lost soul lashing out in anger. He had been there and done that. Not with this challenge; this one was about much greater things. But when he was younger and he understood completely where Artemis was coming from. He nodded in reply to his co-lead as she finished speaking.

Now it was his turn, and he hoped she would be receptive to his ideas. He began with explaining the way he had seen things done in Blossom Forest in the past. Time and time again ranks were supposed to be this important title but in the end, other than alpha, it meant little to the wolf assigned it. What, they could hold their tails a little higher? Titan proposed his idea of assigning jobs to specific ranks; the more responsibility the job had and the more vital it was to the pack, the higher the rank. It turned out that she had many similar ideas and before they set foot near the border they had agreed on which positions were assigned to each place and how wolves would go about earning them. Additional ideas had been tossed around and Titan was pleased to feel his mindset meshing easily with the ashen lady.

“So the ranked wolf… Horizon? He’ll need to be reassigned. Well, I assume anyways, unless he’s interested in the zeta level job but I feel like he’ll aspire to higher just from the way you described the guy. He’ll lose that rank but we can give him first choice of the rank that interests him. If you don’t mind, after you introduce me and explain the situation, the reasoning and all of that, I’d like to take the part of the meeting about rankings, including talking to Horizon about his. I know most of them won’t be immediately receptive of me and that’s why I’d like to do it. I want to gauge how they react… I’ve also never been someone to wait until people warm up to me before taking action. I’m not going to be an idle figurehead and they need to see that.”

He hoped for affirmation from Ameira in regards to his request of speaking at the meeting but considering this was his first introduction to the pack, he would play it by her plan either way. Four scarlet paws crossed into Munashii Gekko’s border alongside four ivory paws. The alphas are home. Titan waited while she gave a call out to the pack, summoning them together, and then ran with her towards the center of the pack. When they arrived, they were greeted by a thicket of briars surrounding a hill. Even before Ameira began weaving her body through the spikey plants, the male knew that was where the meeting would be held. He was a very large wolf; tall and broad as you get, but he enjoyed a challenge. More slowly than his co-alpha, Titan made it through the patch and was impressed when he saw only three or four of the little things clingy to his bi-color coat. He worked at picking them from his fur as they waited for the members of the pack to arrive.

It didn’t take too terribly long before members of the pack began filing in. The first to meet them on the hill was a male wearing the zeta flag. Horizon. Titan’s expression was serious, but not without a small smile. He was proud and determined. An optimistic man on a mission. Horizon immediately questioned Titan’s presence and another wolf that had arrived seconded that notion. He liked that. Better to have wolves that leaned on the wary side to sudden change than those that would blindly follow. Blind followers were what made Demonica the deadly inhumane force that it was. He didn’t want another Demonica. Emerald eyes took a glance at Ameira and, if she noticed, he nodded reassuringly at her before looking back at the crowd, giving each face a scan as they all waited for more members to show and for the snowy she-wolf to answer.

{||blood titan || male || alpha || munashii gekko || greensmurf ||}


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