This is the board where you can talk Out of Character (OOC).

Post here if you want to chat, age your characters, ask questions, make suggestions, quit your characters, or let us know if you'll be away.

Email the following directly to Sandra (see Contacts):
Link exchange requests.
Pack board description changes (if you are the alpha of a pack.)

Do NOT post:
Links to your "new RPGs" (Do that on the Advertising Board.)
Name reservations (We want to encourage new members, not discourage them!)
Posts with HTML in the name/subject if you don't know how to use HTML...


Post/hiatus Update

Hello my loves, how I miss you all so! My show is this weekend which means that come Sunday I'll have about 20 hours a weeks open again for activities! Granted, a lot of those will go toward studying for finals and getting caught up on work I've put off... But it also means I'll finally have time to post again!!! I'm so excited to get back into all my plots and threads! So, that being said, who wants priority when I return? I have a general idea of whar I owe but I want to make sure I'm not missing anyone! <3

  • Unrelated question -
    Of course! -
    Mmm -
    priority? -

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