This is the board where you can talk Out of Character (OOC).

Post here if you want to chat, age your characters, ask questions, make suggestions, quit your characters, or let us know if you'll be away.

Email the following directly to Sandra (see Contacts):
Link exchange requests.
Pack board description changes (if you are the alpha of a pack.)

Do NOT post:
Links to your "new RPGs" (Do that on the Advertising Board.)
Name reservations (We want to encourage new members, not discourage them!)
Posts with HTML in the name/subject if you don't know how to use HTML...


Bright Moon, Alpha - Omega Swap, and other things, **ALL IN**

1) Bright Moon As with the other disasters that have been run in the past, the success/failure of your attacks will be decided at random with dice rolling. The guidelines for the rolls are posted at the bottom of Nimueh's post. Everyone has 1 week to post to it before each set of rolls. You have until the end of the day 4/24, and the rolling will happen on 4/25. That said, with exams, the roll will likely not happen until midday, but I would not count on that.

2) Alpha-Omega Swap
We assume more people aren't getting involved in this because of exams, and will instead be holding it later in the summer. Instead, we will be holding another character swap in May. A link will be posted under the Alpha-Omega Sign up. Please only sign up ONE character, and only sign up if you are going to be active with that character.

3)Other Announcement
We have seen an increase in the need to close tags recently. Starting now and going forward (soon to be added in the rules), we will have a 3 strike rule.

*The first time your post is missing a closed tag, we will give you a warning and you will either need to close it or we will close it for you.
*The second time, we will warn you and you will not be able to use any HTML for a month. If you use HTML in this span, your post WILL be deleted. After a month's time, you can use HTML again.
*On your third time, you will be banned from using HTML all together.

We all love using tables and cool fonts, but it can wreck havoc on the rest of the forum board. You should be checking your posts before posting them anyway! We understand mistakes happen from time to time, but please try to be more conscientious. If you do not understand how to close your tags, please ask.

Thank you all!

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