During the day, sentries guard the sleeping. When the sky is dark and the moon dances with the stars, this is when the real fun begins. Munashii Gekko's forest is the only haunt where you can find your local misfits all in one place. A land of the forbidden and forgotten, a place that is riddled with dangers of a whole different kind. The wolves here have long misplaced their rightful minds, and now live like creatures damned to prowl and lurk through the night. It's easy to lose yourself here, sanity was sure to fade away and wither; there was never anything normal about this nefarious nest. The silent threats that whispered in the breeze were enough to deter even the largest of demons around. It was not strength nor wit that ensured your survival here with Eric, and challengers would be torn down with a morose lethality - there was nothing left in his cold blue eyes that promised mercy to anyone who dared to overstep their worth. So, would you give up the sun for the moon and stars? Do you have enough vigor to become a well regarded sentry? - Put on a game face to step up and pass the sepia king's test or turn and leave before he catches your scent. You never know who wants to snack on your delicious blood in this forest.


A Lily No Longer



As soon as Ameira fell silent, Horizon addressed Blood Titan directly with words that demanded truth, demanded proof. Horizon had been injured too many times in the past by too many people in order to trust anyone at random. Ameira and Horizon had bonded before she had ascended to power, had become friends, had come to an understanding. Though they had not shared much of their past, they still understood each other, and trusted each other. But it would be different, with Blood Titan. He was not acquires in the land from a lost leader, but was instead was - at least in the eyes of the others - being tyrannical. He was stealing the throne from her without even working for it, at least how they saw it. They did not - not a single one of them - know her past. Ameira was strong, but she had no desire to lead. She wanted to protect them, and would fight for them if needed... But she did not care about the power. She had never been a leader - her stent with Hercules had not counted. Blood Titan was what was best for the pack - he could and would deal with everything that she had no experience with. He shared the same views that she did, and wanted the same things for the pack that she wanted. But they did not know that yet, and most of them would not believe that even if she told them such. They would have to wait and see, and hopefully he would be able to prove his worth to them.

After Horizon fell silent, Summer greeted the wolves he knew and then came before the Alphas, pledging his allegiance to her, and also his help. Which would be invaluable - he had been an Alpha before, and would no doubt be able to share unique insight. Should he prove himself worthy, he would make a great second in command. After she and Titan spoke, Summer addressed Titan directly, pledging loyalty to him as well, his vocals once more smooth and full of promises that Ameira truly believed he wanted to fulfill. Though she had not accepted Summer into the pack, she trusted his intentions, and trusted Horizon's judgement. After both Horizon and Summer had spoken, Titan had thanked them for their words and pledges before promptly introducing himself. He had wasted no time in doing so and described to the pack members present before them their plans for the pack. As he spoke, Ameira shifted her amethysts over the gathered lupines, looking to see if any of the positions that Titan addressed interested those present. As she glanced about, she caught Titan's eye and he gave her a nod, which was a signal that he was absent.

"The only amendment to what he has said is just for clarification - pups that have the scent of another pups should be returned, yes, but you must also ensure their safe return. If the pup has showed up to find sanctuary because they have left from a dangerous situation, we will still provide safe haven. But as Titan has said, we will be working together more than having us be your overlords. Everyone in the pack matters - everyone. Each of you will have a task to do. So, if any of you have a rank in mind that you would like to try out for, please step forward now. Titan and I will be discussing how to do try outs for each position. Obviously, you do not need to decide now, but try outs will start very soon."

Lilacs focused upon Horizon, wondering what he would choose. She had given him Zeta not because she thought he did not deserve more, but because it had seemed a good rank to start out in. Now that it was his choice - what would he choose? But her gaze was stolen away by a flash of movement - snowy hairs flickering through the briars that stood as the barricade around this hill. And then there appeared Artemis, Ameira's previous contender who had instead become a member of her pack. Ameira had offered her support and kindness, an offer to belong, an offer to be a part of something. And Artemis had grasped onto it and held fast... But then she had disappeared. A month or more had gone by without seeing hide nor hair of her sister - for she was her sister, at least in title. They were so similar... And then came words of apology, vocals soft. Though Artemis was clearly trying to keep emotion from her words, Ameira heard the tinge of sorrow, of hurt. She knew the tune all too well... For it was one that she had sung many a time. "Your apology is accepted, Artemis. This pack is your home, not your entire life."

Her gaze shifted back to land on Horizon, for he was addressing Titan... And asked for privacy. As he exited, he graced Ameira with words and she smiled at him. "It is always lovely to see you, Horizon. I hope that we can soon find time to speak." She turned away from him and addressed the rest of the pack... For if Horizon was needing time to decide, surely the rest would as well. "As I said before, if any of you sure about your interests, speak them now. Elsewise, we will call you back together in the next week or two and request your decision. If you are still unsure then, you can become apprentice to another until you find what it is that you like. I will remain here if any of you wish to speak with me, but elsewise, we are adjourned."

||Ameria||Lovers||Lily of Munashii Gekko||Adult||Ameira||


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