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Gahhh, I'm poofing off and on (In>>)

So I'm having a very long few weeks. Not last Friday but the one before that we had to put down our Foster dog, Zena because she was too aggressive and bit my mother twice. She was really a sweet girl, she just wasn't very friendly to anyone else besides us... Including our permanent dog, Onyx.

Yesterday was my close friends birthday, so we celebrated pretty much all weekend.

Today I'm house sitting while my mother brings home another puppy for us to foster for a little.

This week is packed full of events, my summer break is just kicking off and it's already booming with action. This time I don't have a boyfriend as a distraction but instead a larger social life outside of the internet.

This week I'm supposed to manage to see two of my friends and spend a night out of town with my cousin, along with celebrating my mom's birthday on Wednesday and my own on Friday. My weekends are always busy and this one seems to be more so with my 17th birthday party on Saturday. Not to mention, next week is Rosies birthday and I'm sure her party is that weekend as well.

I'm so sorry for poofing and I will be checking here quite often but my posts may either be very short and blotchy to none at all for several days at a time. I will get everything up eventually, I promise!

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