
Got a juicy idea going on in your head? Need some other wolves to help make it a reality? Here, you can plan out your plots and have a spot to get volunteers! Below is a key of colors if you choose to use them, but you can write what is needed in the subject line of your post too.

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Open - #24697F - Closed - #8B0101 - Tentative - #cdcf4f
Humm dee herrmmm dee...

Unfortunately, most of my wolves are comparatively young.

However! Despoina will be popping back into Spirane for a while. Maybe she and Danny could be friends? She has grown a lot since they last met.

Taika! Is always free to make friends. I think it would be awesome if she met with Tauriel and it can help her re-learn what she loved about being a gypsy.

Aaaallllsssssoooooooo I don't know what you want to do with Tithe and Daenerys. I am open to anything that makes sense IC with them, but that might be a deeper discussion OOC/PM (my chatango is crappy right now, so if you PM me please know that I probably didn't get it.) I don't think they can fall into any of the categories you mentioned, but they could easily just have an interesting dynamic.

Those are what pop out at me! If you have any of my characters you are curious about, let me know! Again, unfortunate that I play mostly pups...

  • Tauriel and Liquid Amber? -
    > -
    hey hey hey -
    > -

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