The Lost Islands


The Boss


The Marauder


The General


The Companions

None None None

The Thieves


The Associates


The Soldiers


The Trinkets


Boss's Decree

"For every brother you bring to our
midst, you may keep a trinket all to
yourself. She will not be sullied or traded, unless you deem otherwise. But should you bring a mare here without a new brother first, then I will consider her property of the Lagoon as a whole
and do with her as I see fit." - Garmr

The Offspring

Cerinthe (Osmanthus x Honeycutt)
Mhidas (Helios x Vàna)
Warg (Psychedelic x Vàna)


• The Lagoon is where homeless stallions come to live as a brotherhood. Mares may not live here except as captives or companions for the Leaders.

• Soldiers keep mainly to fighting, Thieves keep mainly to raiding, and Associates may do both, neither, or act as diplomats. Members may issue their own battles and raids, but should generally consult the General, Marauder or Boss for permission.

• All major decisions are determined by vote, but the Boss maintains order within the Lagoon and has the final say.

• Elections for leadership positions will be held every TLI summer, provided the qualifying criteria are met.

• You can find detailed information about how the Lagoon works on the Rules page.

• Upon election, the Boss can issue a rule for members to follow during their tenure. It is up to leadership to enforce.

And its consequences keep you up at night [DEATH]

There is no love, just appetite.
And its consequences keep you up at night.


Winter was nearly over and the cold, hard earth was turning soft and wet. The earth oozed with moisture with every step the buckskin stallion took across the Lagoon, and the splintering branches of the overarching trees were beginning to fill with green leaves again. And still, Kasabian waited, each day, for Gabbar and Shamwari to come. And each day, he was woefully disappointed.

When Kasabian returned to the islands and found the Lagoon in disarray, he had hoped to rebuild it for one reason only. He came here for Evaline. No one else. The older he got, the more obsessive he became. When it was just he and Shamwari wandering the mainlands, he found himself falling back onto Evaline as a topic of discussion, even though Shamwari refused to talk about her at all. It was like he needed something to fester, something to pin all this aggression on. Naturally, Kasabian blamed the mother who had abandoned him. And suddenly he found himself migrating back to the place he'd last known her to live.

She must pay. Someone had to, for all these terrible feelings he harbored inside. It was all her fault.

It was in that moment that something changed in Kasabian. Perhaps it was always going to. But whatever chemical imbalance, whatever illness that had slowly ate away at him over the years had finally broken down whatever weak defenses that still remained. Kasabian had no appetite for anything else but Evaline. It was his wretched mother whom consumed all of his thoughts and energy. He'd beaten her to a pulp day after day, feeding the sickness inside. And still he waited, for Gabbar and Shamwari, because all of this would mean nothing to him if he couldn't in fact play out this plan he had concocted in his morbid mind.

When Psychedelic found Evaline, the buckskin stallion had but one brief moment of clarity. As he looked at his mother, older and quieter now, but healthy and vibrant, he had but one squeak of a moment where he wanted to forget the whole thing. But then the other side of him took over, and it hadn't relinquished its hold over him ever since. At first, striking the palomino mare felt foreign and strange. But the more she whimpered, the more she cowered in fear, the more fun it became. Kasabian became sickly obsessed with watching her belly grow. He was the only stallion in the Lagoon who was allowed to touch her abdomen. He'd let her eat only enough to sustain the spawn growing inside of her. He beat her only enough that she could recover quickly enough and not terminate the pregnancy. He wanted whatever foal came out of her for his own amusement. She didn't deserve to bring any more life into this world.

He'd threatened Psychedelic with his own teeth and hooves when Kasabian was frustrated by his own judgement. He told Psychedelic again and again that 'today was the day' and that they would finally kill the golden mare. But he could never bring himself to do it. Now with that foal in her belly. And not before Gabbar and Shamwari showed up. What was the point of all this work if they were going to axe the grand finale?

Kasabian was so excited, so giddy, that Gabbar and Valve and hey look! Shamwari! had all arrived. His nervous energy made him prance in place. All this work, everything he'd done since before he returned to the islands, led up to this very moment. He just wanted to see the look on their faces the moment he crushed Evaline's skull underneath the weight of his dull, blunt hooves. He wanted to make them watch him lick up the blood from her face. He wanted to see the agony in their eyes. They deserved to hurt just like he did.

"Just in time, Shamwari." The tawny stallion spat, allowing his green-eyed gaze to fall onto the golden mare sobbing in the distance. "Enjoy your last breathes, mother dearest." He scowled at her as he looked down at her heaving stomach. Kasabian had hoped she would have given birth by now, but so be it. There was no more time to wait. She would die today. But just as he spoke, Evaline turned back toward the woods and moved out of sight. Frantically, Kasabian backed up several steps and issued a shrill call for any other of his brothers in the distance. "BRING THE WHORE BACK." He bellowed.

But there was little time to do anything else but react. The black mare set the team in motion, and quickly each one was moving to attack in some way. Kasabian quickly focused on Gabbar, waiting for the Arabian's approach but was taken off guard when it was the black mare, and his own brother, who came toward him. Kasabian squealed, hoping to alert Psychedelic of their switch-a-roo before it was too late. Kasabian squealed again as he watched Shamwari loop around him, coming to plant his hooves deep in the mud before rearing with flailing legs. Kasabian reared himself, taking a few hits from Shamwari's legs along the shoulder as he reached for his brother's underbelly. His attacks were mostly unsuccessful, aside from one blow he managed to land, before his ailing hip required him to put all four hooves back on the ground.

Kasabian was still staring at his brother, anticipating the chestnut stallion's next attack when he noticed something was off about him. Shamwari's defenses had seemingly melted away, and the stallion stood there, his brown eyes wide and expression stunned. It made no sense to Kasabian, but caused him to pause if only for a second. "You are a dumb fool, Shamwari. Just like our moth--"

A strange high pitched noise flooded the stallion's ears and his vision blurred immediately. The last thing he saw was the stricken look on his brother's face. Kasabian's jaws fell limp and open, and his tongue dangled out of his agape mouth. But Shamwari quickly faded out of view and instead all the buckskin stallion could see was a blinding white light. His heart had stopped before his body crumpled to the earth's floor.

13 | Buckskin | Stallion | Arabian X Thoroughbred X Mustang X Halflinger | 16. 1 | © Vinyl

OOC: I jumped out of order here so Kasabian could be dead in time for this activity check. Please continue to post in this thread! There's also Evaline's birth thread ^above^ that could be a good setting to wrap all of this up. :3

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