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Royal Albert Hall Friday afternoon session

I went to Friday's session which was for the charity Sportsaid. Therefore lots of humour and silliness on court but still some great shots played. Two teams played 3 singles matches and 2 doubles. Tim's team included Jamie Murray, Henry LeC, and Pat Rafter, while Greg's team included John Mac, Mansur B, and Xavier Malisse. Tim beat Greg in singles, but after 4 matches the teams were tied. Then Tim and Pat played against Greg and Xavier in tagged doubles where Mark Foster played for Tim and Denise Lewis played for Greg. Tim's team were victorious and therefore won the event, Yeh! Other Olympians and para Olympians made an appearance at the end, and we had a wonderful soprano ( I think) at beginning and end of proceedings. We all took part in one of these mannequin scenes at the end, which are all the rage. Great afternoon of tennis, but mostly fun, as you can imagine. Poor Jamie was picked on a little in his doubles match, for being so young. All players seemed to enjoy themselves as did the crowd.


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