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I'm down Delaria!

So here is some background on the whole Uther/Nimueh thing I copied from a Wiki page: "After discovering Ygraine was unable to have children, Uther asked Nimueh to help them. Nimueh agreed and used magic to allow Ygraine to conceive a child, thus producing a son and heir, Arthur Pendragon. Although Nimueh knew that by using magic to create a life, another life had to be taken in exchange, she claimed that she had not foreseen that it would be Ygraine's life. This was raised to question later when Merlin fought Nimueh and claimed that she was the one who chooses those who have to die in exchange for saving another life. Ygraine died in childbirth and the grief-stricken Uther turned on Nimueh, accusing her of treason and banishing her from Camelot. "

In our plot though Nimueh was an advisor to the Alpha of a pack and loved him and they had been friends since they were pups. He was unaware of her feelings and chose another as his mate and she would not get pregnant. He went to Nimueh for help and she got them herbs to help with pregnancy but Ygraine died while whelping so he attacked Nimueh and banishes her.


Anything you want to change? What do you want the end goal to be??? I'm excited!


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