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Poll #2 7/21-7/28! Poll#1 closing tomorrow

Here are the potential new names for the packs! You can vote for 2 names for each! We will have names for the other packs posts soon. As a reminder, tomorrow is your last day for Poll #1, listed below!

Aurora Borealis:
“Dierne Hrof” (magical sky) - “DEE-air-in Huh-ROF”
“Wedertacen” - Sun beams - “Ved-er-Tah-sen”
“Twihynde Wuduwald” - (forested mountain)
“Ullok Kilak” - (daylight sky) “Oo-lock Key-lack”
“Atsanik” - (The Northern Lights) “At-SAN-nick”
“Fir Chlis” - The Northern Lights “Fear kai-LEES”

Malignant Felicity:
“Laod Mor” (Maleficient swamps) - “Loud More”
“Fordwyrft Saeld” - tortured happiness - “Ford-rift Sailed”
“Wit Ian Freondlufu” - Tortured happiness - “Wit lahn Free-awned-loo-foo”
“Tattuk Itijuk” - (dark, deep water) “ta-TUKE EET-ee-juke”
“Caidir Olc” - cherish evil “KAI-deer Olk”
“Peacach Sunnd” - sinful happiness “PEH-casch soond”

Andere Seite:
”Headorian” - Tremor Land - “He-uh-door-ee-in”
“Eordhrernes” - Earthquake - “EE-ord-huh-ren-es”
“Crith-Thalmhainn” - earthquake - “Crith-Thalm-hey-in”
“Ivitak Kauk” - stone, sunrise “ee-VEE-tak ka-OOK”
“Ipitsauk” - sharpening stone “ee-PIT-sah-ook”
“Aupaluttak” - red “ow-PAH-loot-tak”

“Aibheas” - vastness “AH-vaisch”
“Raonach” - plains “rah-OH-nasch”
“Gaoth Amrhan” - wind song “goo AHM-ran”
“Graes Waegholm” - The grass sea - “GREY-es Way-guh-olm”
“Sek Nuvujak” - cut open the cloud “sec NOO-voo-jock”
“Seten Rad Slaep” - The land of death - “SET-en Rad - Slay-ep”

Munashii Gekko:
“Coille Bhlath” - blooming forest “CUH-yay vlah”
“Coille Daigeir” - Dagger Forest “CUH-yay die-GEAR”
“Molach Dorchas” - mysterious forest “mo-lock door-cas”
“Runach Sonn - hidden beloved” “ROO-nach sone”
“Treow Gimreced” - Tree palace - “TRAY-oh Gim-RAY-ched”
“Wudubearo” - Dark forest - “Voodoo-BAY-ro”

Bright Moon
“Kaumak Taguik” - bright sea
“Gealach” - Moon “Ghee-AH loch”
“Solas Lan” - full moon
“Re Uisge” - moon water “Ray OOSH-gay”
“Uyaraut - diamond “oo-YA-ra-oot”
“Unbleoh Mona” - The bright moon - “Un-BLAY-oh Mona”


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