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Poll #3 7/27-8/3! Poll#2 Closing tomorrow!

You can vote for 2 for each of the following!

blossom fields
1) “Adlartok” - clear sky
2) “Adgomut” - facing the wind
3)“Gaoithe” - wind “GOO-yeh”
4)“Feur caraich” - grass stirring “FEE-ahr CAH-reegh”
5) “Healm Awindan” - The land of winds
6)“Rad weod” - the waves of grass - “Rad Vay-OD”
7)“Cluain Flur” - green meadow flower - “CLUE-an Flur”

Leisure Lake:
1)“Gen Seid”: still waters - “Gen Say-EED”
2)“Sleac Laguflod” - Calm waters - “SLAY-ac LAH-goo-flod”
3)“Glaesfaet Sceawere” - Glass mirror - “Glaze-fah-et Skay-vair”
4)“Loch Sgathan” - mirror lake -
5)“Ciuin Cuan” - Calm waters
6)“Doineannach” - Stormy
7)“Sorcha Fairge” - bright water “SOAR-uh-huh FIE-geh”
8)“Seud Muir” - jewel water “shade moor”
9)“Cuan Bacaidh” - water barrier “COO-ahn BACH-ghee”
10)“Cuan Amhran” - water song “COO-ahn AHM-rahn”

Mountains - Rainbow Cliff or Misty Mountain
1)“Raonabal Stalla” - rainbow cliff “ROO-nah-ball stalla”
2)“Stiogha - cliff path “stee-OH-gah”
3)“Soilleir Carraig” - bright pinnacle
4)“Munadh Sioc” - mountain frost
5)“Mudraddod” - The mouth of the gods - “MOOD-rah-dod”
6)“Culter Unlaeddod” - The dagger of the gods - “COOL-ter OO-lay-dod”


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