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If you are interested in the magic happenings of BF, my boy Aindreas still hasn't found his soulmate, but it is decided by dice roll.. he has a temper put to good use protecting those he cares for and is currently tree alpha of Dierne Hrof (previously Aurora Borealis).

I don't have any pups currently

Otherwise i dont have any charries for mates
BUT i have Akuji a maned wolf who has split personality and his darker half Perdere would be more than willing to woo her and make promises he never intends to keep

Open for friends:
1)Olya - maned wolf who is terrified because she was abused her whole life
2)Athene - she is a warrior who has an odd upbringing and has slightly different beliefs from other wolves. She is logical and never is outwardly angry. Only talks in rhyme, currently in uyaraut... could also make enemy
3) Nimueh - alpha of crith-Thalhainn. She is super flirty and openly sexual. She has a genetic disorder that makes her very fragile. Brilliant mind and herbologist
4) macaria is a dark bloodthirsty wolf who is a poppy addict who would Make a good enemy
5) kahlan... doesn't make friends or enemies right now. She has a split personality and has put away her emotions

  • Hmm -
    ^.^ I will start -
    Great! -
    I feel like... -
    Firestorm!! -
    Alrighty -
    Hello!!! -
    Hi there! -
    Well! -
    Sounds good -
    Woot! -

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