The Lost Islands


Force-claiming is not allowed here. This is a peaceful, neutral area meant for socialising.

and the rest is rust and stardust

His sarcasm was amusing, even if it wasn’t meant to be, and Pilar offered him a small smile in return. He inquired further about her strangely curved ears and she straightened her stance, flicking them forward so that the tips touched as they were meant to.

“What? An accident?” Pilar laughed and snorted, her amusement evolving into genuine humor at his ignorance. “You’ve never seen one of my kind before, have you? We all have ears like this!”

She was proud to be a Marwari. Even if others thought her ears were weird, she liked them. Perhaps she shouldn’t have laughed at him, but it was funny to imagine exactly what a filly would have had to do in order to get ears like hers besides being born with them.

When he snorted a laugh of his own, she suddenly didn’t feel as bad. Trell. He had a good name. It sounded nice when he said it. Like a bell. He stepped closer as the night encroached upon them and suddenly she felt her heart quicken. He was bold too. She liked that. She took a step as well inching closer every time he did, the dead leaves crunching beneath her hooves and she soon found her shoulder pressing into his. He was warm and the air was cold and Pilar rather enjoyed the juxtaposition.

“I don’t remember,” she admitted. “But before I forgot, I lived on an island here called Atlantis. The Ridge.”


Look at this tangle of thorns.


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