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Post here if you want to chat, age your characters, ask questions, make suggestions, quit your characters, or let us know if you'll be away.

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Pack board description changes (if you are the alpha of a pack.)

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Yeah, there are only a few wolf rps that are still open or rather; still active and we're overjoyed to be one of the ones that are still active.

We've actually been going over some updates and we're thrilled you think it does look great! We are currently on a discord server and if you would like, I could email you a instant invite as I'm not sure if the one below is still good or I could post it here if you'd like.

I'm Liberty, I help run Blossom with three other members, I'm only a moderator though. We are very open and welcome new players all the time, just be sure to read the rules and such.
The wolves I currently have are not very many but still a lot. I have an alpha to Wudubearo and a few others, some in packs and some not in packs. But I am open to thread whenever whoever you join is accepted!

  • Heya!! -
    *waves* -
    ^_^ -
    *trips in late* -
    Hello! -
    XD -
    Tis here! -

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