The Cavern of Secrets holds much more than you can imagine. Once a forbidden place, the ban on entrance has been released...yet, is it a good idea to enter?

Once a great battle had been fought in this cavern, against a dark beast that had once - and still might - dwell here. No one knows where he disappeared to, but there are rumours...


I'll try your fangs right into me

♡He’s a bad boy with a tainted heart, even I know this ain’t smart.♡

The creature in the darkness knew that Tiberias didn’t belong and this sent a shiver down Tiberias’s spine. This is not going to be good. He thought to himself and pressed against the wall of the cave, hoping it would protect him. He just wanted to have a place to sleep so he could get up in the morning and make it back to a safer place. This was clearly a very bad idea for the petite male. Quickly his mind was snapped to the voice that was growing closer to him, I do not think that you will enjoy me quite as much.… What did this stranger mean? That’s when his body felt something on him, biting into the sweet spot on his neck, his body wouldn’t move as his mind yelled at him to run, why couldn’t he move? This creature’s canines sunk into his neck and even though it hurt, the cream colored wolf stopped trying to struggle, instead me let out a pleasurable whimper. He had always enjoyed pain, this wasn’t about to change because a beast he didn’t know was attacking him apparently. TIberias wished he could reason with these strange thoughts, but alas he couldn’t. When the creature’s fangs released his neck it allowed him to move his body again. The creature licked up his neck and cleaned what seemed to be his own blood from his neck.

Tiberias whimpered softly and tried to stand up, but instead his body was pressed down again as the beast climbed on him., His tail was pushed out of the way and Tiberias stilled Not again, please no not again. He yelped as the creature pushed into him. He was petite like a female and where he came from the warriors used him like one. It’s why he tended to enjoy pain more than anything, because brutes could only inflict pain on him. Though he couldn’t help but to fall back into the the routine he used with the brutes from his home. Even though his mind new this creature was taking advantage of him, his body was acting like a lover was taking him. If he didn’t the brutes from his home would keep going until he was a broken and bloody mess. When the creature on top of him released the seed from its body into his own, the creamsicle male mewled like a smitten kitten. He heard the beast above him let out a moan and then all presence of the male moved off him and backed away.

Tiberias’s insides hurt like they always did, but he couldn’t move again. He didn’t know whether to run or to stay. Though his head turned around to see the beast wasn’t really a beast, but instead it was another wolf like him, only this wolf was covered in darkness and blood red eyes. For some reason he didn’t want to move after looking into the rubies of the male that had just attacked him. The response that came from his lips was something he had always said to the other brutes. ”Thank you master, anything else I can do for you?” His eyes lowered showing submission to the brute.

♡But Momma I’m in love with a Criminal, every touch isn’t rational it’s spiritual♡

☮ Lone wolf ☮ Same Gender Lover ☮ No mate ☮ 556 words ☮


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