Welcome to the RAAF Airman Aircrew Association Message Board. It is for all to use whether airman aircrew or not, however the majority of us who frequent this message board are former or current RAAF aircrew, associates or enthusiasts who want to be 'in the know'. We must be certain, however, that we do not disclose any information which may compromise the security of the ADF or its personnel and we also must be certain not to criticise or to pass judgment on others. 'THINK' before you post, or if you aren't sure, 'DON'T POST'. When making a post, you should identify yourself by including both your Christian and surnames as well as providing a valid email address. As this message board is not editable nor can a post be removed once the post has been sent, please contact the following for the amendment or removal of a post: messageboard@airmanaircrew.com.au. Thank you. These are the current emoticons boards2go.com supports and are courtesy of Cybergifs.com: http://www.boards2go.com/smiley.html

I'm somewhat humbled and most grateful and thankful for the few who made the recent donations to the web site. My advising of the change in the domain name for the web site was merely that, however, I'm a tad embarrassed that I may have conveyed the wrong message. I wasn't at all hinting that people should donate. My primary concern was, that post 25/10/2017, the web site would not be accessible under the current URL. Just letting everybody know that I had changed it.

Here's the reason for the change ... since the AAA web site's inception (2006), I have had it hosted with Godaddy in the USA. The past few years has seen a steady increase in the fees, and in more recent times, I have found support to be a bit of a challenge particularly if I needed to phone Godaddy. The 'God-damn factor' plus the time difference caused me to sometimes throw the odd tantrum.

With Godaddy's hosting and domain fees due on 25/10/2017, I decided to shop about for a better deal both in costs and in service as well as accessibility. A local (Caboolture) web design company suggested I try a hosting service called 'Crazy Domains', which I did.

As part of the crossover deal, Crazy Domains gave me the '.com.au' extension and at no extra cost, and in addition, did the complete setup as well as the file transfer from Godaddy also at no extra cost. To me, having the '.com.au' extension is important, as it identifies the Airman Aircrew Web Site as uniquely Australian. Back in 2006 I endeavoured to get .au, but was unable to. Too hard for Godaddy!

Fingers crossed that Crazy Domains gives us good, reliable service into the future.

I must mention, too, that the AAA message board is a separate web site, therefore in the unlikely event that the AAA web site should fail, the message board will still be accessible. It's URL is: http://www.boards2go.com/boards/board.cgi?&user=airmanaircrewassociation

Again, many thanks to those who 'kicked the tin' and chipped-in. I most certainly didn't expect it.



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