just caught in the undertow

Jorg crouches at the edge of a small pool, a sandwich balanced precariously on his knees.
"Hello!" He says with a smile, ripping the crust off the sandwich and holding it out over the water, clasped between his forefinger and thumb. The surface of the water ripples and a pair of dark eyes protrude above the surface of the pool. "It's okay." Jorg says encouragingly. He takes a bite out of what remains of the sandwich whilst keeping his offered hand steady. The creature blinks up at the crust. "Come on," Jorg encourages it, "its tasty, and I'm not going to hurt you." The sylvnewt appears to consider his claim, its eyes fixed upon the proffered food. Slowly, it raises its head and lifts its front end entirely free of the water. Jorg holds his breath, not wanting to scare it, and keeps his hand as still as he possibly can. The sylvnewt grips the crust between its teeth and then, just as slowly, disappears back beneath the surface of the water. Thrashing follows as it sets about its meal. Jorg grins.
"You're welcome!" He calls down into the pool as the water goes still again. "There's more if you want it!"

He is just about to extract a slice of tomato from between the two slices of bread when he hears a deep grunting noise coming from his left. Jorg freezes and turns around slowly, his free hand reaching for the short sword at his belt, whilst the other retains its tight grip on the sandwich. A large white boar stands square, framed between two tall trees, its eyes fixed on Jorg.
"Nice Pig," he says, keeping his voice steady, "no need to get cross. We're all friends here. You, me, the slimy thing in the pool..." The spirigus stares him down, grunting angrily, its eyes fixed on the sandwich in his hand.
"Ah!" Jorg says, glancing down at it, "you want this?" He holds it up and the boars eyes follow him. When its head moves Jorg notices the arrow shaft protruding from his hind left leg. Shit.

"Easy fella," Jorg says. He tears the sandwich in two and tosses it to the spirigus. The pig snuffles it up eagerly, its coiled tail wagging like a dogs. Jorg takes a step backwards, making sure not to step into the pool. The boar looks at him again. Jorg takes another step...and a twig snaps beneath his boot. The boar bellows its disapproval and charges towards him, its frothy spit bubbling out over its tusks. Thinking fast, Jorg reaches for his magic, wrapping the air around himself until it lifts him from the floor. He somersaults through the air over the pig and lands nimbly on the other side. He hears the spirigus skid to a halt, breathing as if winded. It turns around and charges again.

Jorg runs.

He makes it a few metres before he throws the sandwich on the floor, trusting the food to slow the pig down a little. It's a good job all the time he spends running away from his father had kept him fit. Jorg zig-zags through the trees, heading towards a part of the forest he knows well. It'll be easier to lose it there.

With the sound of the pig growing louder behind him Jorg breaks through the undergrowth into a clearing containing a squirrel, a felled tree and a pretty girl with long dark hair.
"You!" Jorg says, recognising her from the boat. She was older, but it was definitely her. She had eyes you didn't forget in a hurry. He grins at her as if Christmas has just come early and darts forwards. Jorg grabs hold of Angela's hand and drags her to her feet just as the spirigus breaks through the trees behind them.

"Run!" Jorg laughs.


photo by Daniel S Nelson at flickr.com


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