The air is heavy as you make your way through unknown territory, as you pause to sniff the air a drop of rain falls onto your nose. It is soon followed by another and another and soon the rain is pelting down in sheets, soaking you to the bone. The clouds are an angry purple and the menacing drumming of thunder rolls over the sky. Squinting your eyes against the blinding water you find yourself at the edge of a large, dark pine forest. You are too desperate for shelter to notice the scents that mark the border and plunge in, and nearly into the chilly stream that runs through the territory. You veer away and as you are shaking the water out of your fur you notice a large pair of icy blue shards gazing at you. The storm has passed now and beams of sunlight filter through the thick canopy of pines, illuminating a massive male wolf not three feet away from where you stand.

His pelt looks like a bad patchwork job of black and white and beneath them you see large, hard bands of steely muscle and you know this is a warrior for his torso is marred with many battle scars. His banner curls over his back and his lips are drawn, exposing sharp ivory daggers. When he speaks his voice is deep and dominant, like the thunder you so recently heard.

"Wolf, you have found yourself in the terra of the Andere Seite Pack. I am Eclipse, king of this land."

It is only then that you notice another pair of lanterns gleaming in the penumbra and a dark-pelted fae slinks out into the clearing to stand next to the king, her own banner waves and her green and blue eyes bore into you. She is the same size as most males and a crisscrossing pattern of scars show that she too can take care of herself. Her voice is cold and has a snake-like sound to it yet you can see they are both fair rulers.

"And I am Nephthys, queen of Andere. We don’t care much for strangers so you must make your choice, Submit to us now or flee our lands and never return. If you fail to do either you will have little time left to regret it."

The formidable pair pierces you with their gaze and you feel as if all your secrets spill out before them. You are left with a decision now. Will you submit and take refuge in this dark forest or will you flee and never know what secrets these trees hide? Make haste, you can see that the pair grow tired of waiting.


my heart beats yet, the poison draught of you

The fear emanating from the small pup was so thick that Nimueh could almost taste it upon her tongue. It did not help that the pup had soiled herself, and that the rich stench of urine was now added to the mixture of it all - but Nimueh would not judge or accuse the little one. She wanted this pack to be open to all others, to be a place of comfort, a place of acceptance and peace for any who crossed its boundaries. Such a thing was something that she had not had until later in life… Before it was ripped away from her from the very one who had given it to her. For so long, far too long, she had been an outcast. Even from birth, her birth parents had rejected her because she was different, because she was flawed. The genes that they had passed on to her had mutated into the most cruel of things, giving way to her collagen defect. At least she had had the love and acceptance of her adoptive parents from early on… But the rest of the pack had not been so understanding - Thackary had been her only friend, and after the two were separated, she had been alone except for her adopted parents. It had only been Cynbel‘s acceptance of her, his protective wing shall we say, that had kept her safe over the next few months, the next few years. She had served him well, being his spy, his liaison… But he only ever repaid her with betrayal. Yet now he was at her borders, within her boundaries… And Nimueh was not entirely sure how to deal with that. The Iberian lassie shook her head to clear her mind - she needed to focus on the lost little one in front of her for now. At any rate, Nimueh had slowly made her way toward a cave, showing it and carving a way, a trail, for the pup to follow… Before letting the little one know that this could be her home. That this den could be hers, without having a secret cost. Nimueh had returned with a small squirrel for the pup to feed on - her hope was that the pup would not be too terrified to eat it, and that she would and just then get very sleepy and take a nap within the den. And in her experience, a full pup was a sleepy pup, and there was nothing wrong with that, especially when the pup was so scared, so exhausted. Not a word of thanks was given, but Nimueh did not need any - all the thanks she got was in the words that the pup did manage to sputter out - but the little one did indeed wish to remain within the boundaries and territory of Nimueh’s pack.

A smile made its way upon her delicate facade, and her curling kissers worked their way around the next few words, the smile never leaving them though.

As I said, little one, you are more than welcome to stay, to make this your home. You have no need to fear anything here, other than anything that mother nature may bring your way - I have no control over her, and this land has been known to have earthquakes before. But from other wolves, from hunger… these are not things you shall have to worry about anymore. You’re not the only orphaned puppy that I have accepted into the pack - I will not expect anything from you, not until you are older and more able to first care for yourself. It is only after gaining strength of yourself that you were able to help others. And do not think that I mean physical strength - you do not need such things to be successful in this world. Your particular skills may be within the boundaries of your mind perhaps, and who knows - maybe one day you’ll make a great negotiator, perhaps someone I can send to other packs to negotiate details of alliances. Perhaps you will be a nursemaid, knowledgeable and skilled in the ways of taking care of other pups who may be like you in the future - orphaned and alone, needing a helping paw, needing a chance in life to make a go of it.

Nimueh reached out and gently nuzzled the top of the head of Murina if the little shewolf would allow it. It was a bittersweet moment - Nimueh had always wanted pups of her own, but it would seem that she was barren - she had had enough partners such that she should have gotten pregnant but now if she was capable of doing so. But it also was bittersweet because it made her think of the very event that had made symbol turn against her - a memory that she did not wish to linger on for long. Pulling away, she gestured towards the cave.

”Go ahead, I will not keep you any longer. Finished the meal and then sleep if you can, hopefully you steal safe enough here that you can have a good night‘s rest. When you are feeling a little better, you already know where the stream is so that you may bathe yourself there. And if you have need, you only have to call. Although this land is large, its rocky walls and formations have a way of allowing sound to echo, to travel. If I don’t hear from you every few days, I will come and check on you, just to make sure you are all right.” Nimueh turned away to leave, but paused and looked back at the pup in case she had anything else to say.


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