To join Blossom Forest, post a new message with the following:

Age (pup, teen, adult):

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Remember, do not post in-character anywhere on this site until you have been welcomed by one of the following people: Sandra, Dee, Akari, greensmurf, Larka, Kamy, Baku, Doughnut, DarQ, snowy!


ɪғ sʜᴇ ᴅɪᴇs ʙᴇғᴏʀᴇ sʜᴇ ᴡᴀᴋᴇs, ɪ'ʟʟ ғɪɴᴅ ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ sᴏᴜʟ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ

Age: Unborn Pup

Gender: Male

Parents: Alistair and Persephone

Siblings: Stella

Significant other: To be found ~

Pups: None

Best friend: To be found ~

Enemy: None yet

Rank: None

Species: Red x Gray x Timber

Description: Pup one: Male. Unheathly - infertile. A black base coat, marbled through with grey, brown, and russet from his father. This is not a tortoiseshell, brindle, or merle pattern; instead, these shades seem to mix and swirl into his pelt with no rhyme or reason, so that it is difficult to say precisely which shade he is. These faint threads of color are mesmerizing in their subtlety, something one would really only notice if they looked at this boy carefully. He'll grow to be an athletic hunter: lithe and lean, not as bulky as a traditional warrior. Although this boy might seem plain as a sparrow, he has extraordinarily beautiful eyes . . his father's dark blue alternates with his mother's piercing cyan in a perfectly blurred pinwheel pattern.

Special Effects/Mutations: None

Special Marks/Scars: None

Personality: As a child, he will be very oddly dark. His demeanor will only get worse from there, he'd become a fierce man, loyal but hard to win over. He'll be strong, mysterious, and have his very strange dark tendencies . . .

Biography: To be written ~

Favorite Food: To be discovered

Favorite Plant: To be discovered


Bond: To be found

Flaw: To be found

OOC: Metalhead

RP/Plot Availability: Anything! ~

Human Twin:

x Demon Child x Alistair x Persephone x Home x Heart x Fallen Angel x Metalhead x

A z r a e l

  • Accepted! -

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