Bright Moon - a land sullied by mystery and the ravaging scars of a terrible fire. Abandoned as a pack land for years, the terra has been used as a gathering place for the brazen and bloodthirsty drawn there by the lingering pall of death. Yet from the ashes there comes an unordained phoenix, the rainbow hues of hope glinting in her mismatched globes. Through the obsidian drapes obscuring the scenery, she alone was able to catch the perfumed aroma of new life on the breeze and hear the sluggish streams flowing ever swifter into the morning.

Thus, with a purpose, she set out to map the incognita, discovering daily the extent of the reawakening and unearthing within herself a desire to return the landscape to its former glory. Now she stands tall as privileged Alpha of the lands, lording over the rock-strewn prairie and bountiful forests with a firm but gentle paw.

Having finally realized her deepest longing to be a queen, Satowra is focused solely on the revival and maintenance of the Bright Moon Pack. Her question to each prospective warrior that comes to the border is simple:

"Do you have what it takes?"



Be careful of what you touch lest the grave be what you lust

His cologne swept over her in waves, its heavy musk surrounding her like a wintry blanket… Only it was no longer winter, but spring, and spring had very nearly given way to summer. She was not overly surprised that she had given birth to the pup so late in the season - after all, they had consummated their… Well… Not relationship… At any rate, they had performed sexual intercourse late in the days of winter. But since that night, she had not seen him. It was impossible to avoid his scent, considering this pack belonged to him and he painted it with his urine to ward off intruders. And so perhaps that was why it had her head spinning… Because she had not been so near to him in many moons. As he spoke, ripples rose and fell over her skin, resulting in gooseflesh. Her eyes rolled back and she shivered, realizing that she had missed the deep tone and timber of his vocals. Swiftly after that, she shook her head - she was not some swooning little dove who would soften for any man who thought to give her second look. No, she was Athene , the belladonna - she was the deadly, the beautiful. She had held the rank of general for many years in her old pack, and this was just another thing to overcome. She swore that her weakness must’ve been brought on by the hormones involved with her whelping. It was the only thing that made sense, given the fact that this was so unlike her. Yes, that must’ve been it - a mix of the hormones, and the unique form of exhaustion that had over taken her. It made sense… Yet she knew it was a lie. If anything, she could pick up on a lie, specially when she was lying to herself…

Madame Athene… Sorry to bother you… should you find yourself hungry, I have brought sustenance. Ah, I hope all went well?

Athene found herself remarkably hungry - after all, for these past few months the pups had been taking up all the extra space in her abdomen, and had put pressure upon her stomach, thereby minimizing the amount of food that she could eat just at one time. Mix that with her nausea, there is very little that she could eat without throwing up. She lost some weight, but more remarkable than that, she had lost a lot of muscle. It did not matter that she had still worked out every day - without the proper amount of protein to her diet, and with the fact that she was simply too tired most of time to work out any extra, it had been the perfect equation to destroy her athleticism. Curiosity swirling in her mind, she finally flared her nostrils and inhaled sharply to pull in the flavors of the meal that Kershov had prepared for her - and she was relieved to find that it was not deer. Although she usually preferred the meat of large, cloven herbivores, ever since she had gotten pregnant she could not stand the stuff. And so, she found herself very much relieved at his choice of a meal. Athene found herself nodding, before realizing that there would be no way that he could see her head nod. Her head!? What would he think of her antlers that were growing longer by the day. Her jaw grit itself against her maxilla and she painted a stoic mask upon her face - she would take whatever words and insults and questions he threw up upon her when the time came. And she let loose a sharp bark that was followed by a short growl - it was an invitation to enter the den, but a warning to that he was on thin ice. After all, it had been here in the den where he had taken her last time, and though she was glad of the outcome - two healthy pups who would be good candidates for the trials - she had been none too pleased at the circumstances surrounding their conception. Straining pools already fully dilated looked for him in the darkness, and when at last his form finally became a silhouette in the pale light gifted by the entrance, she felt a sudden protectiveness. Her chest rumbled once again and her lips raised… Her twin towers laid themselves flat against her cranium - every instinct was telling her that this male was an enemy, a danger to her pups. But her hunger and her empty stomach told her that if he brought her food, hidden intentions could not be upon his agenda. Her neck snaked to the side as he approached and she gestured to the ground before her… But she herself was not even sure whether that was so he would lay down and seem less foreboding, or for him to lay the meat at her feet.

Whatever he did, she would feel less threatened. Passing moments showed her merely staring at him, her lips still raised, but each still moment and each silent second that passed, she relaxed more, until it was only her audettes that gave her away. Slowly, she pulled her sights from the king to peer down at the two sleeping pups nestled between her limbs and her teats. Her gut told her not to trust him, that he would destroy the pups, but for once she could not trust her instinct. She knew that males were often hostile toward pups, but these were his, of his making. What reason could he have for wishing their destruction? Athene grasped Sergei first and placed him before her, and then reach back to grab Gwyneira, and she placed the lass next to her brother. The timberess’ front two limbs came forward in parallel lines on either side of the pups protectively, and her chin dipped low over them, ready to tear apart the remnants of Kershov‘s face should he try to harm them.

It would all depend upon what answer you seek
Upon my reproductive tract, havoc did these two wreak.
But they are healthy, the two of them, healthy and strong
they will begin training for the trials before too long.

Yes I must wait, I know, for their ears and their eyes
So that they can learn to fight and make their emotions disguised.
Once the trials are over, only one will remain
So to get attached them now would be in vain.

I must thank you, I suppose, for your genetic traits
No doubt that these two will be Warriors first rate
As for their dubbances, And I will finally to you say
The female is Gwyneira, and the brute is Sergei.

|| Belongs to Herself || Gwyneira, Sergei, Bellerophon, Gwenllian || Bright Moon ||


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