The Lost Islands

We found each other in the dark

Through the black starless water,
And the cold lonely air.
On the rock restless seas.

He followed obediently behind her, his mismatched brown and white legs looking spindly like a foal's, as he awkwardly cut through the mostly mild currents in the wake of his sister's path. Swimming made him nervous. He'd nearly died when their mother, that yellow mare, forced him into the surf that day. Now that he was older, he'd revisited the memory more than once. He was half-convinced that the mare silently hoped he wouldn't make it. That he would die before they reached land again. He nearly did. But he crawled onto the wet sand, his lungs wheezing and lips gasping for breathe, under her disappointed glare, nevertheless.

The difference now was that he trusted Talya. He did not inherently trust any other soul than hers, despite the many months they spent a part. Something about their reunion solidified in the stallion's mind that his life was about to take a turn. He was finally on the path he was meant to be on. Even if he was still so young, so naive, so ignorant to the many complexities of their world. For example, he had no idea that his sister was pregnant, of all things. Her round barrel and shining coat only signaled to him that she was healthy. That like he, she was a survivor, stronger in in the aftermath of what had happened to them.

As the hazy mass of Luthien came into view, Ruxin's mostly quiet mind lit up with thoughts and questions. He logged the new visuals to memory, tall, jutting prickly trees and the sounds of bugs and woodland creatures. The smell of pine and damp dirt. The shadows of depth and darkness under the dense canopy of trees. He was apprehensive as he stepped out of the sand along the shoreline and down a dirt path into the trees. He dropped his nose to the ground, where his hot exhales blew leaf litter away from him. He blinked quickly, almost unbelieving of the scene in front of him. When he caught his sister's gaze, he grinned wildly. "So where's mammapappa?"

Chestnut Overo | Stallion | Evaline X Psychedelic | 14.3 | Photo © Carina Mailwald |© Vinyl


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