Bright Moon - a land sullied by mystery and the ravaging scars of a terrible fire. Abandoned as a pack land for years, the terra has been used as a gathering place for the brazen and bloodthirsty drawn there by the lingering pall of death. Yet from the ashes there comes an unordained phoenix, the rainbow hues of hope glinting in her mismatched globes. Through the obsidian drapes obscuring the scenery, she alone was able to catch the perfumed aroma of new life on the breeze and hear the sluggish streams flowing ever swifter into the morning.

Thus, with a purpose, she set out to map the incognita, discovering daily the extent of the reawakening and unearthing within herself a desire to return the landscape to its former glory. Now she stands tall as privileged Alpha of the lands, lording over the rock-strewn prairie and bountiful forests with a firm but gentle paw.

Having finally realized her deepest longing to be a queen, Satowra is focused solely on the revival and maintenance of the Bright Moon Pack. Her question to each prospective warrior that comes to the border is simple:

"Do you have what it takes?"




I hope your mate knew what he was doing when he invited me in.

Macaria‘s eyelids fluttered open for a moment at the sound of a voice… She had already lost so much blood, not even the whining and cries of her pups had stirred her. But this voice? It was who she had sent Grey Wind for. He would be her only hope at survival, and that was only if the rumors about what he was now were true. A halfhearted smile came to her lips before falling away.

Thackary … You… Came…

For a brief second, she fell into the sweet release of unconsciousness. But in the next instant, her lids were flying open, no longer trembling. Her mouth opened but no scream came out - for there was no pain for her. Turning into a vampire was the most painful process in the entire world - your entire body had to die first, your heart had to stop, and the poison had to wreak its havoc on the entire system. If one were lucky, they would wake up again… And if not, they would die. But with Macaria‘s damaged nociceptors, there was no pain, no excruciating agony. She was saved from the fate of any other who had been bitten before her… And yet still her system was susceptible to shock from the venom nonetheless. All of her nerves were stimulated at the same time, and her pupils quickly shifted between dilated and constricted. Her intestines rippled, unsure whether to continue with the slow peristalsis that normal bodily function would request or to cease and die, and so instead they went into overdrive. She could feel her heart galloping faster and faster and faster, and she knew it was only a matter of time before it stopped. And for the first time in a long time, she was afraid. Ever since her poppy addiction had stolen pain from her, she had had no fear of death, but now, as her eyes fell upon the pups suckling from her teats, she felt terror. What if she abandoned her pups - not only would she be no better than her own mother, she would be far far worse. At least she had a mother - if she were to die and leave them orphans with Grey? And, oh God, Grey! If she were to tear out his heart by dying before him… She would never be able to forgive herself. But back to the pups… They were… Still…


She managed to scream and tried to push herself away from her pups. They were still nursing off of her, and she had no way to know whether the poison within her would spread to the milk that they were even now drinking. But it was too late, if they were going to be infected by the vampiric venom, the inoculation had already occurred. And that was the end of her voluntary actions… At least as the mortal version of Macaria. To mimic her heart and her gut, her entire body began to seize, one grand mal seizure after another. Macaria‘s mind only could focus enough to keep her jaws clenched tightly together, lest she bite off her own tongue. And then, she saw her whole life flashing before her eyes.

There was her own birth, moving from her warm soft water bed within her mother out into a cold dry, dusty den. She had never remembered it… Not until now. You were not supposed to remember your own birth, but for now, she did. Of course, she remembered no sights nor sounds, but she remembered her sudden fear back then, her sudden hunger. She remembered being cleaned off, a rough tongue coursing over her, an action that had filled her with relief immediately, and then the scents overwhelmed her. There was the one that she would associate later in life as belonging to her father, and then the one that belonged to her mother… The one that belonged to Moth… And then… Another one. One that had not furthermore been present in her pup hood, but that she knew quite well now. It was Kershov’s. Macaria’s eyelets shot open for one second of brief clarity, before she was swept up in the maelstrom gael again. There was the distance, the tortured look in her mother’s eyes whenever Channing looked at them. And there was the hunger Macaria had felt whenever Channing had refused them a meal because she could not stand to be with them. There was the joy of spending so much time with her father and her aunt, of spending time with the Alphess who had quickly became like a second mother to her. Her first taste of fish, the first meal she ever caught by herself. Her time spent with Moth‘s adopted son, the boy she was so sure that she would fall in love with and mate to someday. He had been her first crush… What was his name now? Pan? But before she could grasp onto it, time was flying by already. There was the first time she was kidnapped, dragged to the lake and nearly drowned. And then, her naivety when she offered to help Grey all the way back to his pack. There was the look in his eye that she should have seen but missed. There was the truth and his gaze that she did not know to look for. And there was her own stinking disgusting fear and in a sense… but already she was gone, trapped in his den. But then the word ‘trapped’ became something different… And then the twins appeared. And then she remembered the haze of her drug-induced state. She remembered murdering her brother, the one who had once lived within Abendrot. The place where they had all been born, and somehow everything, all of it came back to Kershov again. And then… And then she had been reborn. And then she and Grey had had their happily ever after, only their story was not a fairytale but something very much real.

Everything went still for a moment, and she shot her eyes open again, and this time they stayed open. But her vision went red as blood began to spurt from every one of her orfices. Her vision was covered, and her nostrils were blocked. She opened her mouth to breathe, but choked on the air that should have been gushing into her lungs. But there was no air, only more blood. It ran like a waterfall down her esophagus and her trachea, keeping her from the oxygen that was necessary for life. She scraped her paws at her face and threw up, trying to clear everything of the crimson fluid, but it was no use. She could feel herself gasping for breath, and though it was not physically painful, it was the most painful thing she had ever endured. She choked and asphyxiated to death. And without the air she needed, she died.

It would be perhaps a full minute before her heart restarted. It took longer than normal for her heart to restart, likely because of her hypovolemia from bleeding so heavily during her whelping. But restart it did, and she grasped for life. Air rushed into her lungs and immediately induced her to gag and cough and throw up all at the same time, spewing the blood from her lungs and her stomach. Once again, her paws scratched at her face and she cleared the blood from her eyes… But when she pulled her paws away she saw a spot on each of them, her irises, a set of perfectly circular donuts colored like pumpkins. Macaria shook her head and laughed. There was nothing funny about it, but she was alive. And that was good enough. Exhausted, she crawled her way toward her pups and looked at each of them. How dainty each of their heart beats were, dancing as they did in her eardrum. They were, all of them, asleep, and she looked up to the two titans who said over her.

Grey… You did it! I’m … I’m alive!

She reached for him and placed an uncharacteristically gentle kiss on his muzzle. Her now crimson orbs shifted to peer at the other, his pools matching hers now perfectly.

I knew I could count on you Thackary… I didn’t doubt that you would come.

How different everything was now - she could see in intrinsically fine detail everything around her. She could hear the heartbeat of every living thing within a half mile radius perhaps. She was no longer dying… And that was the way she preferred it.


||Macaria||Femme Fatale of Uyaraut||Adult||Grey Wind||

Table Credit to Morgin <3


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