Bright Moon - a land sullied by mystery and the ravaging scars of a terrible fire. Abandoned as a pack land for years, the terra has been used as a gathering place for the brazen and bloodthirsty drawn there by the lingering pall of death. Yet from the ashes there comes an unordained phoenix, the rainbow hues of hope glinting in her mismatched globes. Through the obsidian drapes obscuring the scenery, she alone was able to catch the perfumed aroma of new life on the breeze and hear the sluggish streams flowing ever swifter into the morning.

Thus, with a purpose, she set out to map the incognita, discovering daily the extent of the reawakening and unearthing within herself a desire to return the landscape to its former glory. Now she stands tall as privileged Alpha of the lands, lording over the rock-strewn prairie and bountiful forests with a firm but gentle paw.

Having finally realized her deepest longing to be a queen, Satowra is focused solely on the revival and maintenance of the Bright Moon Pack. Her question to each prospective warrior that comes to the border is simple:

"Do you have what it takes?"



Be careful of what you touch lest the grave be what you lust

You’ve nothing to fear from me, Madame. I mean our progeny no harm.

Despite his words, she was still wary of him. After their last encounter, to say that she was on edge would be an understatement, and it would be a disservice to the magnitude of her emotions. But more than that, she wanted to protect her young at all costs, seeing as these two were the first of hers to survive up to this point. Still, he had brought her a meal, and that meant something. It meant that he had not dropped by on a whim, but rather had thought about it and planned it out, unlike last time. Slowly, her nape extended as she went to reach for the meat, but she froze when he saw her antlers. Her eyes had never left him, and she noted the upward shift of his gaze. She immediately snatched the meat and withdrew, her lips raising and a soft growl releasing itself from her chest. Never before had she been ashamed of anything about her… Not that she really had anything to be ashamed about, even now. But she had fit right in with the other warriors… Now she would stand out like a robin in a snowstorm. Her eyes still upon him, the warning still sounding in the helm, she tore the meal apart until there was nothing left but skin and bones. Aside from that, there was no noise for many long moments… Until Kershov broke it with a sigh and then a few quiet words.

They suit you.

Athene was not sure whether it was meant as a compliment or not. In her mind, no good could come of the mar upon her skull… But then she took note of his own mutation - his pure ivory pelt was now similarly marred by a blanket, a cape of feathers. And she recognized them - how could she not? They belonged to one of the eagles that lived in the crooks of the rock by the sea. Suddenly, her growl ceased and her brows raised, amused. She had assumed that only she and Sabelle had been affected… She had seen no other wolves changed. But now, before her, there stood the sire of her produce, mixed with a bird of prey. But she could not forget how he had used her, and so she had to sneak in one snarky comment before the matter was lain to rest.

Although you evolved with the genetics of a hunter
And I with one who’d choose runner over confronter
At least mine can be used in the art of war Whereas yours makes you prettier, easier to adore.

Her demeanor changed immediately, as if she had made an error, and she tore her eyes away from him. She had not meant to make, or rather to imply that she adored him. Always, they had expressed their respect for one another, the attraction, but adoration? That was a different tier altogether. It implied that there were emotions present between the two of them, and it implied matters of the heart - something that Athene was not too keen on delving into for third time in her life, not when the first two had ended in failure. And yet the words had slipped from her mouth so confidently that it could not be taking any other way, and it shocked her that her mind would sublimate so easily. But thankfully, Kershov had directed his attention to their pups, and she did so as well, lifting them toward him so that he could evaluate the two that remained. And it seemed that he appreciated them as much as she did… But he immediately questioned her when she spoke of the trials. Athene clenched her jaw - this was very reminiscent of her discussion with Pierce, who also had not understood nor agreed with Athene’s family tradition. But Kershov was not Pierce.

Yes, only one can win the trials from each litter
And after it is done, no one must be bitter
By setting the two against each other
Only the strongest will survive, be it sister or brother.

“It is a tradition from my homeland, done each year
Each pup born is trained in all five tiers
Warrior, healer, advisor, hunter, seer
And then they fight either with knowledge or spear

“That is what our pups shall also endure
And only one will survive to gain their adult fur
It prevents overpopulation and weakness
And the one that survives is celebrated for their unique

Whether or not Kershov said anything about the trials would be discovered within a few moments, but once it was settled, he murmured both of their names and settled onto the ground slowly. When he was fully on the ground level, Athene relaxed more - he had not attacked the pups yet, and instead seemed rather fond of them despite the fact that he didn’t know them yet - neither of them did. They were too young to have personalities, too young to know anything of the world. But what his next comment had her freezing up again, shocked at his boldness and knocked off guard, unsure about how to react.

I’m afraid I am already somewhat attached to them, Madame Athene. They are half the blood of someone who . . . I think I’m quite fond of.

Athene raised her gaze to meet his ebony pools once more and she stared at him, unblinking. She was unable to convince even herself that he was addressing anything or anyone rather than her. He was not conceited enough to make the comment toward himself, and so she was now at a loss. When she replied, a few minutes later, still staring at him, she started slowly and quietly.

‘Fond’ is an odd word to use when
You came onto me while hopped up on some bend
Stench tarnished by the perfume of another
Her cunt already had your staff smothered...

|| Belongs to Herself || Gwyneira, Sergei, Bellerophon, Gwenllian || Bright Moon ||

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