A Dream of You & Me - " />

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A Dream of You & Me

All that glitters is gold; don't believe what you've been told.

Soft glacial pools watched as soot colored paws imitated the motions of his own snowy forepaws as he sliced through the fish. The soft entrails got caught on his claw as it slid down the body cavity, but as he pulled out the flaps of skin contained the mess. Tiresias repeated the motion and Castiel watched curiously before plopping the fish down before him. Castiel knew that blindness was considered a limitation by most wolves, it incapacitated them in ways they could not imagine, because without sight how were they supposed to get around? But when he looked at Tiresias he did not think of Tiresias as handicapped. The other teen got around just as well as he did on the beach, and before Cas had arrived Tiresias had been hunting and exploring all on his own. Tiresias didn’t need Cas, but life was easier together. Living as a loner was something that Castiel had become accustomed to early on and in the little time he had spent on this earth. After leaving his bothers in Aurora Borealis to chase after his mother and father, he hopped from one place to another, living on the charity of other wolves he passed by and eventually the bare minimum hunting skills he acquired in his travels. Merlo and he had survived in their earliest teen years together because of the warmth they supplied and together they were able to catch more prey, ample for their growing bodies. And now it was Castiel and Tiresias.

People lie, people love, people go, but beauty lies in every soul.

|Sabelle•Lost Daughter•Cervidae•Alesana|

Table Credit to Morgin <3

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