Bright Moon - a land sullied by mystery and the ravaging scars of a terrible fire. Abandoned as a pack land for years, the terra has been used as a gathering place for the brazen and bloodthirsty drawn there by the lingering pall of death. Yet from the ashes there comes an unordained phoenix, the rainbow hues of hope glinting in her mismatched globes. Through the obsidian drapes obscuring the scenery, she alone was able to catch the perfumed aroma of new life on the breeze and hear the sluggish streams flowing ever swifter into the morning.

Thus, with a purpose, she set out to map the incognita, discovering daily the extent of the reawakening and unearthing within herself a desire to return the landscape to its former glory. Now she stands tall as privileged Alpha of the lands, lording over the rock-strewn prairie and bountiful forests with a firm but gentle paw.

Having finally realized her deepest longing to be a queen, Satowra is focused solely on the revival and maintenance of the Bright Moon Pack. Her question to each prospective warrior that comes to the border is simple:

"Do you have what it takes?"




She could see the shock, the awe upon Kiora’s face first. Her little daughter had been the first to stir, the first to respond to Macaria’s stimulating touch. With the rare addition of vampire night vision, Macaria had seen the pulling of her lids away from each other, the final breaking of the membrane that had acted like glue to keep them held together. It was one of the rarest of moments – when pups went from fragile, helpless invalids to sentient beings. They were not like fawns, born to immediately be able to run from danger. No, they instead were completely reliant on their parents for a few weeks. And this was the marker, the breaking point where they would start to become their own individual selves. And the amazement in Kiora’s gaze was something she never wished to have destroyed… ever. Macaria smiled softly down at Kiora, wishing dearly to touch her, to support her as unsteady limbs pushed her to standing and she stumbled toward the entrance. Though the vampires was overjoyed at the new development, she also understood that with it would come a whole new set of terror and fear for her and Grey. The natural course would set about a desire to explore for the pups – not only was their pack set in a precarious terrain, with lethal cliffs and the treacherous sea, but the rest of the world was vicious as well. Macaria knew it only all too well – she had been kidnapped twice as a young wolf, and was lucky that she had escaped from her first captor and had fallen deeply in love with her second captor…

The femme watched as her daughter slowed, entranced by the bright moon, and then came her first words - ’It’s so pretty…’ Macaria nearly wept, her glowing rubies softening with emotion at the perfection of her darling daughter. But the sudden stirring and motion of her other pups pulled her attention enough to cease the waterworks, though they continued to threaten the floodgates. She rose to her paws and padded softly toward the mouth of the den, turning her back on the moon and focusing on her pups, or more acutely, their eyes. It was a pain in her heart to do so – for while Kiora bore bright amber pools, Missandei shared the color that Macaria had once borne. Eventually, she would have to explain to them that she was different from them, why she never spent time with them during the day. But forever would she hide her dark agonizing secret – that when she had gone too long without feeding, she craved their blood to satiate her hunger. A swallow settled her focus in the present, allowing her a certain measurement of enjoyment, pushing the dark worries to a far corner in her mind, and within a moment, Missandei joined the two by the entrance and for a long time she was silent, until she asked with innocence – ‘Are we going out there?’ Macaria laughed, a low husky sound that rumbled through the cavern. “Yes, my darling. Bit by bit we will explore further and further, and eventually you all shall traverse it without me, but before that happens there are many things you must learn. But let us see first if your other siblings shall be joining us…

With that, she focused on deeper in the den, upon her mate and her remaining pups. With the rising moon came its light, and it shimmered upon her mate’s limbs, illuminating the unique mutation he had acquired. When first she had laid eyes upon them, she had reacted… somewhat negatively. She would love her mate no matter what, no matter what he looked like… but just the fact that something so unnatural had occurred shook her to her core. Her hackles had raised, and she had set about inspecting them quite intensely. She had even gone so far as to create new salves and poultices to try to destroy the scales and regrow his fur… but none of it had been successful. All of her attempts had ceased and desisted when Macaria had come upon Athene – for the timberess had been touched too, though her mutation was a rack of antlers curling up and away from her crown. The fact that her mate was not the only one altered made it easier to accept and therefore forget. The days and weeks had gone on, and now Macaria found herself amused by them, by the way the light played off of them, by the way they hugged his flesh, showing off the tightly wound muscles and tendons beneath them… and even moreso now in the light of the night. She tore her eyes away from him and called to her two brutelings, both of which had yet to stir.

Ronan, Evandros, do not let your sisters get too far ahead of you. Up now, it is time to stir.” Macaria had decided a few weeks ago that she would try to accustom her pups to sleeping during the day and being awake during the dark hours – it was the only way that she would be able to be guaranteed rest in the coming months, and would allow her the optimal amount of time to spend with them. That training, that conditioning, would start now. And she was rewarded as Evandros flickered his eyes and swept at his paws to try to hide from the brightness of the moon that strove to wake him… until he realized that the darkness had abated. With a whimper that quickly rolled into excited yips, the little hessian leapt to his paws and stumbled back down onto his face. It was a barking laugh that pulled itself from Macaria’s lips, but it did not dissuade Evandros – instead, he persevered and got to his paws time and time again, until at last he was jumping around the cave like a ridiculous rabbit. ‘They’re beautiful, my love.

Yes… they are, aren’t they?” It was but a murmur – she was too entranced by her son’s antics, and on his next lap around the den she reached out and grasped his scruff, pulling him to her, though she then quickly dropped him at his two sisters’ paws. “Grey, love, do grab Ronan. Perhaps it will not be as easy for him to regulate to a nocturnal schedule…” But nonetheless, she did not want to strip her pups from the experience of their first trek out of the den. Peering down at her three roused pups, she gently nudged them and then gestured toward the rocky slope that led to the world. “Go on, my darlings. Mommy shall be right behind you.” This night would be an important one – they would learn about the immediate dangers about them – birds and other predators, along with the naturally occurring precarious dangers such as the cliffs and the ocean…


||Macaria||Femme Fatale of Uyaraut||Vampiress||Grey Wind||Evandros, Kiora, Missandei, Ronan||

Table Credit to Morgin <3

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