The Lost Islands

Live through this lie

Was I left behind?
Tell me, tell me I survived.

My jaws churn almost mechanically as I savor the brittle grass and weeds that seemed to live despite the cold and the shade of the Forest. It was a welcomed, new taste compared to the dry and sodden reeds leftover in the Prairie. So I was not necessarily in a hurry to find Persephone or my mother. But like any good leader, the roan mare was quick to return my call and appear from the brush. I swallowed what was left of my mouthful as I watched her approach, her demeanor eager and friendly. I nickered warmly to the mare and bobbed my head, offering her a warm smirk after her quick remark as she neared me.

"It's nice to see you too, Persephone." I reply with the gentle flick of my thick red tail. I stood coolly in her presence, my muscles relaxed and even a hind ankle cocked high and folded under in a resting position. She asks about my mother, and I allow my brown-eyed gaze to swiftly search the trees and the woods around us before answering her. "Not necessarily." I say, leaving it open ended. "It's been some time since we talked. I thought I should check in." It was convenient to have Evaline living under Persephone's care for many reasons. Perhaps first and foremost was Evaline's ability to share gossip and the like on her usual visits to my home. I imagined that Evaline too, shared information with Persephone too, and briefly my mind wondered if the golden mare had told my ally about the death of Brienne. Despite my heart ache, it offered no value to Persephone or her herd one way or another, so I forced myself to soldier past those lingering thoughts.

"How is Talya?" I ask, the young filly's name feeling foreign and sticky on my tongue. Technically the fair-colored filly was my half-sister, which was still a strange subject to swallow. I felt detached from her and her existence. It was difficult to look at her and not see Psychedelic. Nonetheless, I came close to severely harming her the last time I had stepped into these woods. It was a sore subject that still stung with guilt when I thought too much about it. "And how is the herd? It seems you fared well through winter."

Shamwari | Fresian Mutt | Evaline x Rook | Stallion | Chestnut | 15.3 h |
Half-brother to Kasabian, Vita Nova, Paradiso | Photo © Carina Mailwald | © Vinyl


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