At Leisure Lake the sun is always shining and only a few stray clouds roam the open sky; paradise is the one word that really describes it. This beautiful lake is clean and refreshing, the very best place to swim and fish. Pups are known to play here while older wolves watch at the side, engaged in their own activities.




Castiel asked him not to continue on the path of questioning that Tiresias had leapt upon, but the kalak could not contain it nor stop him self. He needed to know the truth, and he needed to know it now. For months, he had been living under the same roof, within the same cave as Castiel, believing them to kindred brothers simply separated by the link of dna. They had become close, both emotionally and physically, and had often lain with one another for warmth. But... they had never had the relation that Tiresias had had with his siblings, and the reason why suddenly was starting to make sense… And that made it all the worse. Part of him just wanted to turn back, so as not to ruin everything that the two of them had, so as not to destroy their friendship. But he knew that they were too good of friends to not talk about this, that if they ceased their conversation here, they could never be the same anyway, there would always be questions lingering in the corners of both of their minds. No, they needed to have a honest conversation about the whole truth of it so at least they would both know the answers and have it all out in the open so that they could deal with it. And so the words tumbled from Tiresias’ maw - small, intimate, prodding questions that he said in a harsh tone as if the very subject was taboo, as if there were onlookers straining to hear their conversation. But just like there had been for all of these months, there was no one else, it was just the two of them, and whatever outcome resulted from this, it would affect just the two of them.

Castiel was hesitant to answer, and for a second, Tiresias felt his hurt and he felt guilty for asking the questions he was about to. Were not all wolves allowed to have their secrets? And even though homosexuality was a sin, and even if Castiel was gay, as long as it did not affect Tiresias… Couldn’t he just let him be? But the kalak prince knew that it did affect him, that there was something more between them than just friendship, at least on Castiel‘s part. And that… That he could not stand for. And so though his heart told him to move to Castiel‘s side, to push his snout out into his friend‘s shoulder and comfort both him self and Cas as he had done so many times, as he had done just moments before, he restrained himself. It would be inappropriate… Especially considering what they were currently talking about. The awkward, long silence hung thickly in the air, and the titan‘s fur rippled down his back uncomfortably. But finally, it was broken by Castiel’s voice, so soft and full of emotion that Tiresias nearly whimpered.

And then words were being said that the blind hessian didn’t want to hear, and yet a part of him wanted to hear it. A spark of jealousy flashed in his mind and all he could see was red flashing against the darkness that was his norm as his vessels dilated with a sudden surge of emotions the mention of Merlo… Castiel‘s dead lover. It all made so much more sense now, why the prince of Aurora Borealis had wept so when Tiresias had stumbled upon him - he was not mourning the death of a friend, but the death of his mate. But still the kalak said nothing, he simply listened to Cas’ monologue. Then came part B, which in some ways was so much better than the first part, yet in some other ways was so much worse. The part of Reece that had erupted in jealousy suddenly softened, and Tiresias could feel his heart rate speeding up, galloping in his chest, only it wasn’t pounding… But it was pounding. It was beating its own rhythm against his rib cage, against his sternum. The fluttering of butterfly wings in his stomach made him feel nauseous from the rush of adrenaline… But why was there adrenaline at all? And then there was the other half of him, the part that knew that what Castiel was talking about was repulsive, and the nausea added to this and nearly had him hurling the contents of his stomach up. Tiresias shook his head and took a step away from the grey wolf. But the silence had returned, and this time, Tiresias would have to be the one to end it. There was a question hanging in the balance, one that was unspoken - what did Tiresias feel? Logic jumped to his head - Tell Castiel to leave with his faggot self and never return! Or at least... Tell him to suppress that side of him for it was nothing more than a phase, a disease. But something else softened it, stilled his tongue and silenced his brain. Tears started to stream down his face, knowing that this was the breaking point, this was the point of no return for the two of them. Whatever happened, it would completely change the boundaries and rules of their relationship forever. He knew what he should do… But he simply did not have it in him to abandon his friend. They had been together thus far, and Castiel was the only wolf in the whole of Blossom Forest that he trusted, that even knew that Tiresias was alive. But he wasn’t just a friend… Was he? The tears were hot pouring down his face... and before he could even stop himself, his paws lunges his body forward. Tiresias collided with Castiel, his snout finding its way to Castiel‘s shoulder, nose laying against the crook of his neck, seeking comfort of his own. For a few moments nothing changed, there was a still peace, the calm before the storm.

Only… Unlike every other time that they had touched, this time something ignited.

A fire lit within his loins, and the adrenaline pumped even harder through his veins, even faster. Instinct took over, and shut out his brain completely giving way to passion. The kalak was a virgin… But that did not mean that he did not know the basics… His body would tell him the rest… Would figure it out. Wolves had been figuring it out for hundreds of years, this would be no different. Only it would be different… Because what was between them with something special, something unique, something forbidden, and yes, even something taboo. He could feel his erection starting to grow, an almost sore throbbing in a place he had never felt it before. A nearly silent moan fluttered down from his lips as he could feel his prominent organ engorging and exposing itself out through his scabbard until it was fully emerged. “I need you… And I need you now. ” The words were soft, but demanding. In some small corner of his brain, his logical mind screamed at himself to stop, but he could not hear it, not now at least. All that was about to happen could be regret it later instead of worried about now. Tiresias pulled his head back out of Castiel‘s shoulder and placed tiny kisses with his tongue up the other titan‘s nape until he grasped the scruff gently… At this point, he was standing parallel to Castiel… But hesitation stayed from him mounting the other. Not unless Castiel showed some sign that this was what he wanted too… That there had been no more miscommunication between them. He needed it to be perfectly clear that what was about to happen between was consensual and what they both desired deep down, no matter the consequences.

Oh... and there would be consequences...

||Tiresias||Teenager||Cold Summers Lost Heir of Faraway||Son of a Broken Home||Azura||


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