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Viagogo a no no

As we had no Wimbledon Tickets, Geoff very kindly agreed (for part of
> our 50th) to take me to Queens. We went onto the Viagogo site for the
> tickets. It's been an absolute con. We paid over the odds believing
> that the only viable add-ons were admin and postage charges. We've
> received the tickets to day ( I'm investigating whether they've been
> sold more than once) and found that the amount we paid was ridiculous
> against the face value of the seats. You never see the tickets in
> advance. Bear in mind that Queens isn't cheap.
> So we need to be sure that as many people as possible know the truth
> about Viagogo. They already have a bad press so I think they should be
> made to suffer in the way their victims have been.
> I'll let you know about the seats.

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