At the densest section of the forest, there is a brief clearing where a steady flow of water streams down the slippery stone staircase. The water here is cool and refreshing. Staircase Falls has been rumoured to be the place where reality is met by magic; where peaceful spirits dwell. They are rumoured to have healing powers that are used to help the desperately hurt, though no one has experienced this, except for, perhaps, Kaive.


Once Upon A D R E A M

Stormy table

Stormy Horizion
“It seems to me the choice to lie with stray dogs was never quite your own”

Those words should have cut Stormy like a knife. They should have severed everything left within her and left her shaking on the ground. Those words, from someone that she had once regarded so highly, had once trusted so deeply, should have left her crying alone on the floor. They did not. Instead, the mounting anger that had been building quietly, suddenly flooded her body. Suddenly, her blood was pounding in her ears, racing so fast, she could hardly hear him hardly see him. The forest was a blur, all around her, and yet, stormy had not even moved, had not so much as even flinched. The false bravery never faded, was never replaced with her rage. It sat, frozen, unshaken.

Turmoil twisted deep within the thundercloud painted marionette, anger and hurt merged together so far within her gut, it felt as if every fiber of her being might explode with the red anger and deep hued disappointment. But why? why was she disappointed? This broken queen had no hope. she had no dreams, she had no desires. Stormy Horizion’s had been drifting lifelessly through Blossom since it’s shift, since the changes the magic brought. Her sweet amber hued optics never glittered with possibilities, they were held downcast, averted when they met another, her very body had wanted nothing but to hide.. hide away within the deepest shadows of whatever this land had become, and never come out. Never return. But the disappointment she held, for what Riuk had become, crushed her, and as it did, it fed the anger, it fed into her rage, and only as she started to push it back down, did his final words sink in. ”And you will come when I call you.”

Suddenly, Stormy Horizion’s broke free from her glass shell. A transformation occurred instantly before Riuk, and the false bravery fell away. Suddenly, this granite and diorite carved danseuse came to life, and she was on fire. Creamy left and right front paws lift off the ground slightly as she scoffs at his words, and when her feet touch the ground again, her amber hues are ablaze. Tall, charcoal triangular listeners flatten against her skull, sweeping back, and pressing so tightly to her cranium, the almost vanish into the soft hairs on her head. Two toned hairs along her hackles raise, like a shark’s fin it sweeps into the air, full of anger and indignation. Sharp, polished ivory fangs expose as a snarl rips from her throat, and Stormy steps half a pace forward, bracing her body, should Riuk lunge at her suddenly, due to her sudden change of attitude. Firey words slip from her lips, all gasoline and intended to light a fire. “I am not your bitch” She starts, venom and spit flying through the air. “and I will never heed the call of a halfbreed like you. You are nothing more than food for the vampires.”

Another snarl rips through the air as Stormy steps closer again, though now, she is lower, closer to a prowl, and her long plume flickers. “You want me to come?” She lunges, suddenly, claws extended like a cat, fangs exposed and dripping with saliva. Stormy has shifted, suddenly, from a fearful, delicate creature, to a rabid one, thirsty for blood and ready to fight. Every wolf, ever creature that walks the surface of this earth, is built uniquely, ‘Fight or flight’. Stormy, was built for flight, small stature and lithe bodice were created to flee at high speeds, the petite creature could outrun a cheetah if she thought her life depended on it, strong limber appendages designed to hit top speeds in a matter of seconds, and go as far and as fast as she could ever need. But Stormy, had never run. Always had this brave, stupid girl, stood her ground. Never afraid of the disadvantage her small stature might give her, the lass was always on edge, always ready to flash a fang, take a throat, burn her bridges to the ground.

The adrenaline that was designed to push her body faster than she could ever dream, only fueled stupidity, and made her braver than she ever should have been. Stormy was not made to fight, but it had never stopped her. That is why, as Stormy Horizion lunges for Riuk, she pushes upward with powerful hind legs, catapulting her through the air, upward. forward, she reaches with talons stretched out for his face, hoping desperately to grab on, her fangs extended, she would aim for his eyes, if she could take them both? She absolutely would. Her jaws clamp down hard, around soft flesh? his skull? the air? it doesnt matter, if he bats her away? instantaneously she is on her feet. If she strikes home? She will hang on as tightly as she can, holding firm until he finally manages to shake her loose. This is not a diplomatic fight where Stormy will eventually recoil and let go, she knew, the instant she crossed the line, she would be fighting for her life.

Bouncing onto the callused pads of her paws, Stormy shakes her attack off, drool flying from her jowls like a rabid raccoon, angry, and eager, she lunges again, not daring expose her belly a second time, she does not underestimate Riuk and his abilities, Stormy is small, but she is smart, and she uses it to her advantage. Delicate ivory paws dance just under Riuk, her head dipping and raising as she weaves in and out of reach, darting and retreating, her first attack had been all rage and adrenaline, and while that same energy still burned within her muscles, she lunges finally, aiming for the throat, Stormy is short in stature and it means that with a quick step forward, her nose would press just at the base where his neck meets his chest, so as she lunges, she thrusts her head upward, and clamps down hard, shaking her skull violently. If Riuk moves, Stormy will miss, and dart back, ready to protect herself, if he does not, this hit will be critical and deadly, she has aimed for a vital organ, and the odds of him taking this hit and living? Well, those are slim.

Attacks: Two, One for the face, fangs aimed directly at his eyes, one for the throat.

Dodges: None

Damage received: None.

Word Count: 1,069
Once Upon A Dream

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