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I have received the following sad information:
Ma’am, sirs,
I write to pass on sad news that Peter Davidson, ex 9SQN helo pilot in Vietnam, ex exchange to RAF Nimrods, and ex CO 33 SQN (mid 1980s flying 707s) is close to death, dying of lung cancer at his home in the Port Stephens area. Peter left the Air Force as a WGCDR and joined QANTAS where he spent many years flying as a second officer I recall. His eldest daughter Sarah has followed in his footsteps and is a pilot with QANTAS as well now. Peter was PMC of the Richmond O’s Mess during the mid to late 80s when that Mess was a lively place - Peter was often in the midst of it all!
I spoke with his wife Jan tonight and briefly to Peter, and he has basically given up treatment a couple of weeks ago now and is in steady decline, being unable to eat and being stuck at home with palliative care support. Jan can’t say how long he has left, but she indicated it seems like it could be as little as days to only a few weeks. Peter is fading away, can barely talk and doesn’t want people seeing him this way.
I pass this information on as, aside from Peter and Jan being close friends and almost family to me, I expect many across the Air Force family (past and present) will want to remember him when he passes. Jan has told me she will keep me informed as things eventuate.
David Fredericks
Wing Commander
Air Force History Publications Manager (HH-AF)


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