Bright Moon - a land sullied by mystery and the ravaging scars of a terrible fire. Abandoned as a pack land for years, the terra has been used as a gathering place for the brazen and bloodthirsty drawn there by the lingering pall of death. Yet from the ashes there comes an unordained phoenix, the rainbow hues of hope glinting in her mismatched globes. Through the obsidian drapes obscuring the scenery, she alone was able to catch the perfumed aroma of new life on the breeze and hear the sluggish streams flowing ever swifter into the morning.

Thus, with a purpose, she set out to map the incognita, discovering daily the extent of the reawakening and unearthing within herself a desire to return the landscape to its former glory. Now she stands tall as privileged Alpha of the lands, lording over the rock-strewn prairie and bountiful forests with a firm but gentle paw.

Having finally realized her deepest longing to be a queen, Satowra is focused solely on the revival and maintenance of the Bright Moon Pack. Her question to each prospective warrior that comes to the border is simple:

"Do you have what it takes?"



Be careful of what you touch lest the grave be what you lust

There she was, the whore with the scarlet ‘A’ that should be stitched upon her breast, and for the first time, Athene found herself torn. She was grateful to this young femme for making it possible for Kershov to bring their Gwyneira back to them. And, of course, she felt sorry that she had abused in the manner that she had been – the prospect of not having control of her own mind was a terrifying notion indeed, one that she vehemently was against. Previous to coming upon Briseis, all of Athene’s interactions with vampires had been relatively positive – considering the only vampire that she had interacted with was Macaria. The femme fatale had a voracious appetite for vargs, yes, but she was always in good control of herself and had never once slipped on the one unspoken rule – don’t kill or feed on any of your pack mates unless it is agreed upon. But the stories that she had heard surrounding Briseis and Caidir Olc in general? Athene had to respect the vampires for their cunning, but she understood that they were a potential danger that would have to be monitored… very closely. And yet, then, on the other hand, Briseis questioned how well they really knew Briseis. Everything that was known about what happened had come from her mouth and although there was no proof to the contrary, there was nothing proving her story true either. But here was Briseis, dancing her pups right in front of the pack, acting all innocent, and making Kershov feel guilty for something that Athene could not believe truly happened in the first place.

And yet Kershov’s vocals erupted out, cold, stoic, monotone, telling Briseis there was nothing to apologize for, when in fact there was quite a lot that should be crossing Briseis’ lips, starting with an explanation and the fully story. And then Kershov was pushing away the peace offering from the whore, refusing to use the poultice – what a fool he was not to accept it! His limb was at a high risk of infection, and if that set in… But then he was rambling on, saying that the wounds were not to be treated at all, that punishment was nothing without pain. Athene exhaled audible and flicked her tail from side to side, showing her discontent and turned around just enough to shoot a sharp, boiled look at him. She was not sure how much more of an idiot he could turn into. Always, even when they were going through their phase of not talking, not interacting, she had respected him. But right now she viewed him as nothing more than a child. There was nothing more sacred than life, and he was threatening his own now without realizing that punishment did not necessarily need to be physical. And if he so desired to continue feeling pain, he could merely have moss poultice his limb instead of whatever advanced complex concoction the whore created. But apparently, now was not the time to bring that up. Athene would have plans for tonight for sure… ones that would involve a private conversation with her temporarily insane Alpha.

And then he addressed her, calling the pups forward as evidence for his crimes. Once again she snorted and shook her head – he would not listen to reason now in this moment, no matter what argument she presented forward to him. She had seen two black parents produce a speckled pup, had seen two brown parents produce a white. Simply because the pups may or may not resemble him meant nothing in the grand scheme of things. For fuck’s sake Briseis herself was mainly white with black speckled in – of course the fucking pups would have white in their coats! But where had the browns come from? Surely not Kershov. But Athene remained silently and moved out of the way, her paws bringing her back to her own two pups, but her honey pools were frigid as they stared unblinkingly at him as he rambled on more, twisting her words. He pushed terrible, vivid images into the minds of the others, commanding the parents to think of what they would do should anyone ravage their pups. If anyone ravaged her pups. Athene knew the answer – she wanted to murder the vampire who had kidnapped Gwyneira just as much as Kershov did… but this was different.

And then Grey Wind stepped forward, perhaps the wolf who knew Kershov the longest, at least here, and he agreed that no other should harm their King. Perhaps he had more tact than Athene – he acquiesced to Kershov’s confession of sins and tried to change the focus on the discussion to what the future should hold. That Kershov needed to atone, but not by being flailed open by his packmates. But then, to complicate matters, an Iberian wolf arrived. Athene’s nares flared and her pupils dilated as she recognized the scent – she had been wrong before. Briseis was no whore, she was a trickster. This wolf in front of her was the whore – she had fed Kershov aphrodesiacs and then taken advantage of him… and apparently the coupling had been successful, something Kershov had failed to ever mention. Not that he had really had the time considering the pair of them had not talked since he had brought back Gwyneira. Athene’s audettes flattened at Nimueh’s words, especially at the informal way she addressed Kershov, as if they were still close, still intimate. Was that why he had brought her back here? And then… just to make it all so much better Kari spoke up, siding with the psychotic aspect of Kershov’s brain. Athene stood still, unamused, as Kari neared her, but for once Athene held her tongue. Loyalty to her Alpha was the first trait about Kari that Athene could actually respect. But with cold disdain, she stared down the kalak nonetheless – she would not start a fight, not here, for it was not a fight with Kari that she was aching for. Athene shook her head before nudging each of her pups forward. If Kershov was going host a circus act, then she would at least bring some order and law to it, whether he liked it or not.

Now seems as good a time as any to hold the Trials
Since they have studied their forms and ran their miles
The two pups of my litter will compete for the ultimate reward
Their life shall be the trophy, teeth and claws their sword.

As soon as Kershov releases us from this pack meeting’s lunacy
We shall go to the forest’s edge and meet at the oldest tree
My pups shall be released, and the battle to survive will begin
And you all are welcome to come bear witness to the war within.

Words: 1153

|| BELONGS TO HERSELF || Gwyneira, Sergei, Bellerophon, Gwenllian || Uyaraut ||


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